Followed By the CEO by Abby Knox EPUB & PDF

Followed By the CEO by Abby Knox EPUB & PDF

Followed By the CEO by Abby Knox EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Abby Knox
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.8 MB
  • Price: Free

The heat gags me the second I roll my bag out of the airport terminal.
I would give my voice box to a sea witch in exchange for a private, airconditioned Uber to transport me and my luggage to my apartment.
But I need my voice to do comedy, and I need my bank account to stay
in the black. So, I’ll wait here for a crowded shuttle to the remote parking
lot, along with the rest of the cheapskates.

A sleek, black car pulls up to the curb in front of me, and the driver
hops out and opens the rear door. A whisper of that fully functioning air
conditioning escapes. My fantasy sugar daddy comes to life, perhaps?
Alas, that fantasy evaporates when a leggy blonde in a cute jumpsuit
and killer heels glides past me in a fog of designer perfume. She effortlessly
folds her long frame into that cool black car while the driver loads her
luggage. Scrolling on her phone, no concerns about traffic mar her perfectly
serene, not-sweaty face.

I’m not jealous, not even a little bit. Her toes are probably throbbing in
those $700 shoes.
What do I have to be jealous about anyway, now that I’m flush with
cash from a gig in Chicago? Technically, I could afford that ride. It simply
would make no sense because my car would still be at LAX.

What I didn’t spend on rides and first-class seats on this trip, I’ll use to
buy name-brand cereal at the grocery store, or some organic chicken breasts
instead of hot dogs and ramen.

Oh, who am I kidding? I’ll probably spend it on a cute new collar for
Monster, my Boston terrier. Maybe a casting director will show up at the
dog park and be so taken with Monster’s utter perfection that they offer us
an ad contract on the spot, allowing me less travel and more time at home
with said dog. Everybody wins.

Boarding the shuttle bus in front of me, a family of four wearing Disney
tee-shirts is struggling. “Daddy’s not leaving without us; don’t push each
other,” the mother gently reminds two small children. She tries to hold them
back so the dad can wrangle their suitcases one by one into the luggage
rack. White lines on his temples announce that he wore sunglasses but not
sunscreen for at least a week. I politely move my suitcase out of the way to
give them room.

Everyone settles in for the 15-minute ride back to the cheap remote lot.
I smile at the mom who sits across from me.

“Good trip?”
She nods. Her husband grunts, “Disney Cruise,” then wipes sweat from
his brow with the back of his hand. The tired mom starts to speak but the
kids immediately interrupt. “I got to be a princess!” one of them announces.

“Cool!” I reply.
“The best part was the Lego room,” says the other one.
“The ship was very nice,” the mom says. “But I’m looking forward to
being home.”

Her husband reaches over their children’s heads and squeezes her
shoulder. The two exchange a look.

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