Flight of Fancy by Cynthia Dane EPUB & PDF

Flight of Fancy by Cynthia Dane, HILDRED BILLINGSĀ  EPUB & PDF

Flight of Fancy by Cynthia Dane, HILDRED BILLINGSĀ  EPUB & PDF ā€“ eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Cynthia Dane
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 7.2 MB
  • Price: Free

Arianna Song was the perfect daughter, the perfect employee.
She had trained for both roles, although her mother had no idea that
her oldest child was so dedicated to a certain life. And, in perfect truth,
Arianna had a motive for such excellence since the age of nine, when she
took her first international flight between Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong.
That was the day she saw the most beautiful woman of her life. A flight
attendant who not only planted the seed for Ariannaā€™s future career but
haunted her through puberty whenever she wondered why the boys couldnā€™t
be half as attractive as a Singapura Girl.

Everything Arianna did upon entering secondary school revolved around
one goal: become one of them. When she was first allowed to play with
makeup, she taped open magazines to pages advertising Singapura Airlines
and copied their style until she could replicate it in ten minutes. When she
caught head lice from a classmate she convinced her mother to cut her hair
no shorter than the kind of bob young flight attendants wore when starting
their careers. When it grew out again, she began knotting it into a sleek and
high bun that was both functional and made some of the boys in her class
say, ā€œYou look like one of those Singapura Girls on TV.ā€ The highest of
honors, and not unseen by her teachers.

She forewent university but applied herself to the study of language and
decorum. It wasnā€™t good enough to be articulate in her native Malay
language and fluent in Mandarin, where her scores outshone most of her
classmates. Arianna knew that if she wanted to get anywhere in her life
plan, she had to learn a third language. Preferably English.
Actually, it had to be English. It didnā€™t come to her as easily as Mandarin,
but when she focused on formal English with a lack of contractions and
idioms, she discovered that she didnā€™t just shine ā€“ she was more than
qualified for her dream position as a Singapura Girl.

Nobody was surprised when she aced the interviews on the first try. Least
of all her future instructors, who agreed she had fooled them into believing
she was a plant from the corporation to test their skills.
She was the perfect daughter until she wasnā€™t.

ā€œTop of her class,ā€ her mother sighed with another click of the tongue as
she swiped through her tablet. ā€œPromoted to the highest rank and moving to
Singapore to be the Lead Attendant from Singapore to Beijing.ā€ Another
click; another spray of spittle. ā€œHer own flat in Singapore, one of the most
expensive cities in the world.ā€ Pearl raised one arm above her head as she
tore her eyes off her tablet screen and gazed at her daughter, more critical
than a Singapura Airlines trainee instructor. ā€œBut does she have a
boyfriend? Is she engaged? No!ā€

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