Finish Line by Emma B. Brooks EPUB & PDF

Finish Line (CRASH AND BURN #3) by Emma B. Brooks EPUB & PDF

Finish Line (CRASH AND BURN #3) by Emma B. Brooks EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Emma B. Brooks
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.1 MB
  • Price: Free

“Hmm.” I moan.
“Wake up!” A scream penetrates my throbbing head.
“Hannah, give her a second to wake up.”
Where the hell am I, and why does it smell like mold? Before I can
think about the answer, my stomach rolls. I’m going to be sick. I barely
move to my side before everything comes up.
“Eww, that is gross. Well, at least, you’re awake,” a voice says again, as
they shuffle away from me.

I recognize that voice. Cracking my eyes open, I sit up, a groan
escaping my parched lips.
In front of me, Hannah stands in the outfit she wore to the Black and
White ball. But it isn’t white any more, dirt smudges make the color more
of a dingy brown. Her hair, that was up in a perfect updo, falls loose in
several places. Black streaks, a combination of dirt and old makeup, run
down her face.

To clear the fog, I shake my head, placing my hands on my temples to
help relieve the pressure building there. I scan the unfamiliar room. “Where
are we?”
“In hell, with us?” she snorts.
“Hannah, stop it.” the male voice chastises.
With my head thumping to the beat of my ever-increasing blood
pressure, I massage my temples harder, squeezing my eyes shut. Why am I
having a hard time remembering? The last thing I remember is I was out
searching for Hannah.

My eyes fly open. “Where have you been? We’ve been trying to find
you,” I say weakly, still trying to get my bearings.
“Your psycho ex kidnaped me,” Hannah snaps.
Everything comes flying back to me, the boys, the dance. “Roger.”
A bit too quickly, I scramble to stand up, then stumble back. My hand
connects with a damp cement wall. Gross. As I quickly take in my
surroundings, I rub my hand down my jeans.

We’re stuck in some dank, moldy-smelling basement. The only light
comes from a small window. It’s daylight, so right now, I can see
reasonably well. The basement is bare short of some boxes and an old metal
rack. And Hannah’s not the only one in the room.

“Cam! Oh god, how are you?” I run three steps, and my right leg jerks
back. Looking down at my foot, I find myself chained to the floor.
“He has us both chained up.” Hannah rattles her leg chain.
“Where is he?” I search the room for the bastard.
“We don’t know.” Hannah throws her hands up and shrugs.
My heart sinks. I can’t reach Cam, where he lies on an old cot, smiling
at me.

From where I stand and what little light we have, the color has leached
from his skin, black circles frame his blue eyes, and I can’t tell if it’s
because of lack of sleep or if he got punched. His button-down shirt is being
held closed by one button, and a dark blob mars the blue fabric. Roger did
say he was hurt.

I move as far as I can before the band cuts into my ankle. “Why didn’t
you answer me?”
Cam smiles.

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