Finding the Troll’s Heart (TROLLKIN LOVERS #6) by Lyonne Riley EPUB & PDF

Finding the Troll’s Heart (TROLLKIN LOVERS #6) by Lyonne Riley EPUB & PDF

Finding the Troll’s Heart (TROLLKIN LOVERS #6) by Lyonne Riley EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Lyonne Riley
  • Language: English
  • Genre: fantasy romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

My sister was not the first woman to be taken from our village, but
not to sound like an asshole, she was the one who meant the most
to me.
When the wild orcs came six months ago, streaming down the mountain
like an avalanche, Vavi shoved me into the cellar. “I’ll distract them,” she
said hurriedly. “Whatever happens, Simka, don’t make a sound.”
So I stayed silent as I could as she locked the door firmly behind her. I
listened, hand clamped over my mouth, as the orcs thundered into the
house, snatched her, and dragged her away.

Vavi didn’t fight, or even protest. The orcs growled words in a language
I couldn’t understand, and then left, slamming the door closed behind them.
How my sister was so brave, I’ll never know.
I sat there shivering, wondering if Dad would survive. He was among
the villagers defending the town, and the wild orcs outnumbered us—and
they were bigger, stronger, and meaner.

For some reason, though, the orcs left Dad and the others alive. The
invaders only seemed interested in two things: our food supplies, and the
people they stole. Along with another young woman and a young man, Vavi
was gone.

It was Dad who unlocked the cellar door, gun still in his hand, begging
to know what had become of my sister. I had to tell him the awful truth that
she gave her life for mine. We had collapsed to the floor together in tears,
and I’ve had to live with it ever since. I was willing to be silent while she
was taken away.

Now it’s my only job to find her and get her back. That’s why I’m once
again trying to climb this massive sheet of ice. But my pack is too heavy,
and I’m only twenty feet up when I have to navigate my way back down or
my arms will give out.

I’ve been trying to trace the wild orcs’ tracks back to their camp for
months. After the attack, they retreated into the snow-covered Blue Crags,
the immense mountains that stand sentinel over our village. The very same
night the orcs ran off with Vavi, I pulled on my boots, mittens, and cloak
through my tears, and followed their prints. But the path was weaving, and
quickly got lost in the rocky cliffs. That same night, their trail was buried
under a fresh layer of snow, and I lost them.

Still, I had a heading, and that gave me hope that if I could climb deeper
into the mountains, I’d eventually find it. But the Crags are immense and
treacherous, and only a fool would put themselves in danger by venturing
too far into them. I’ve already gone farther afield than I should searching
for any sign of the camp, and Dad would certainly not approve if he knew.

He’s even forbidden me from going after Vavi, because he knows too well
that I’ll risk my life to find her, and he can’t bear the idea of losing another

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