Finding the Dhampir by Sara Sines EPUB & PDF

Finding the Dhampir by Sara Sines EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Sara Sines
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.8 MB
  • Price: Free

I pulled into the parking lot of a pristine warehouse on the shores of
Florida’s panhandle, just east of Pensacola. I say pristine because the
surrounding buildings had to be supported by superglue and duct tape,
where this one looked like it belonged on one of Miami’s newest docks.
A neon sign on the front of the enormous metal building blinked between
red and white. “The Fanged Prince.” I shook my head. I really hoped it
wasn’t one of those cosplay clubs where customers had to dress up as
vampires just to get in the door. Not that there’s anything wrong with them,
it was just a little more than I could handle. I was good at playing my part,
but I’d never convince a true cosplayer that I fit in.

My Land Rover glided over what had to be brand new pavement, and I
parked in a freshly painted spot as far from the front door as I could get.
Not only because I wanted to, but because the place was packed. I’d
thought by arriving just after nine o’clock I’d be considered early, but
apparently not.

“Why would someone build a nightclub here?” I muttered.
I picked up my phone from the center console and typed out a text to my
boss, Charles Maxwell.
Me: Going in
Maxwell: I’m sending Sean as back up
Me: No
My phone buzzed in my hand with an incoming call. I sighed as I
answered it.

“Lorna, you can’t tell me no.” Mr. Maxwell’s Boston accent only grew
this thick when he was pissed. I heard it a lot.
“It’s impossible for me to pick up a man when I have one at my side,” I
argued, as I had for the last two days.
“Sean will be there regardless,” he snapped. “I have a bad feeling about
this. I’m not letting you go alone. I’m only telling you so that you’re not
surprised when you see him.”

I bit back another retort. It wasn’t like I thought I was invincible. I knew
better. But I was well trained, with a decade of experience outside the
military and six years with the army before that. I wasn’t a fighter, but I’d
had basic hand-to-hand combat training for years. Normally, my
assignments weren’t that dangerous. They just required a level of skill that
most of the men on my team didn’t have because …well, they were men.
Sexist? Possibly, but no less true.

As a rule, most men overlooked a woman as a potential security threat.
They rarely saw a female as a spy among them. If I played my role
correctly—which I always did—they saw only a tall blonde with more
beauty than brains. As long as I said nothing and played games on my
smartphone, I could walk away with tons of information.

“I’ll text you when I’m done,” I said, gathering my small purse and
stuffing my car keys in it.
“You better.” Maxwell hung up without even a cordial goodbye. I’d be
mad, but he never said goodbye and neither did I.

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