Finding Forgiveness by Tonya Ink EPUB & PDF

Finding Forgiveness by Tonya Ink EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Tonya Ink
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Hello Gunner, those two words had my world tilting on its axis. Meeting the
children Savvy and I shared didn’t do that. Not even discovering the twodecade-old betrayal of the woman I shared most of my adult life with
rocked me as hard as seeing the love of my life in my clubhouse. When my
eyes connected with her honey-brown ones, my lungs seized. It took
everything in me to remain seated when she walked into church. My hands
itched to reach out and touch her to see if she was real. Svetlana Petrov, my
Savvy, is different. Taking her in, I realized quickly by her interaction with
our children she wasn’t the shy, unassuming woman she once was. She has
a hardness, something I never thought I would see. Discovering who she
became had regret consuming me, for weeks after my children arrived. My
choices and decisions changed her and made her something else entirely,
but I know deep down she is still the woman I’ve loved for two decades.

My ex-wife Beverly’s treachery was years in the making. Finding out
that she intentionally got pregnant with Bull, our eldest son, to get out of
her fucked up marriage contract was just the start. She was playing the long
game, and our daughter, my daughter, was the prize. Beverly’s bullshit
caused a chain of events that nearly led to losing Princess. The only good
thing that came out of the shit show between my club and the Italian mafia
is it brought Savvy and my children back to me.

Since shit went down, Princess hasn’t been the same. She’s been
withdrawn from not just me but her brothers. I think it is more to do with
the bullshit promises her mother and Marco made and the smoke they blew
up her ass. I love my kid, but the shit she said to Bellamy about how I and
the club treat her still fucks with me. It’s bullshit, but it still shocked me to
think that’s what my daughter thought of me. There was a time when I
blamed myself for how my daughter felt. I blamed myself for making her
feel like I didn’t support her choices or her wanting to go to college. After a
conversation with my VP and my boys, I understood. Princess’s words and
actions were those of a child, not a woman working to make her own way.

When I thought about it, it was the truth. Princess may be an MC princess,
but her brothers and I have always sheltered and indulged her. We’ve
always made excuses for her, cleaned up her messes, and never made her
take responsibility for herself or her actions. After everything was said and
done, I promised to let her experience the world she thinks she can navigate
so easily. I won’t stand in her way. No more saving her from herself. She
needs to live and learn, which is exactly what I will let her do.

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