Filthy Chef by Abby Knox EPUB & PDF

Filthy Chef by Abby Knox EPUB & PDF

Filthy Chef by Abby Knox EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Abby Knox
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Why isn’t this bus moving?
A woman stands at the front, fumbling with her transit card.
Flustered by the digital reader, she runs her fingers nervously through
the waves of her medium, bouncy waves, tucking a curl behind her ear.
From that sweet, bitable lobe dangles an earring in the shape of a knife.
That’s cute. So is the Marilyn Monroe cut of her bombshell-blonde hair.
“No, face down. Turn the card face down!” The driver is yelling at her,
but she’s not getting it.

“It is face down,” she says. “I can’t get it to work.”
“Lord, give me strength for the tourists,” sighs the driver.
“I’m not a tourist,” she corrects. Her voice is meek, but at least she
sticks up for herself. Passengers at the back are starting to grumble.
I can’t watch this anymore; it’s too painful.

“Relax, Larry, I got this,” I tell the driver as I jump into action,
snatching the poor woman’s card out of her hand. Before she has time to
react, I successfully scan her bus pass and hand it back to her.
“Oh my gosh, thank you!” She shoves the card back into her wallet,
quickly explaining, “I’m not from around here. I’m gonna be late for my
first round of interviews, and I thought the driver would kick me off! Thank
you so much.”

“Larry’s bark is worse than his bite,” I say, beaming down at her, ready
for her to glance up and receive the full effect of what one interviewer from
Food & Wine magazine once described as “the most elusive grin in Dallas.”
The journalist’s words, not mine. It’s sort of true. I keep to myself and
rarely give interviews.

The hapless passenger sweeps her hair from her eyes. Everything I
thought I knew, she smashes to pieces. Those sexy waves frame a face so
stunning that I forget I’m standing at the front of a bus that’s supposed to be
moving. Emerald-green eyes that know too much for her early 20s. Full
strawberry-red lips that could bring me to my knees. And her skin?
Luminous. Biteable and tempting as candy. Flawless—except for a tiny scar
down her cheekbone.

My grin fades. I’m dumbfounded.
“And my bark is only gonna get louder until you two love birds have a
damn seat!”
Love birds? Who’s Larry talking to?
As if reading my mind, the woman before me says in a hushed tone, “I
think he means us.”

Her blush reaches the tip of the vee in the pink top she wears under a
white peplum blazer and matching chiffon skirt that’s so short and breezy it
barely reaches her mid-thigh. Interesting choice for a job interview. She
looks like a slice of strawberry cake. I crave a bite, or several, and I have no
intention of sharing.

The woman brushes past me and finds a seat. I can’t help myself: I
watch the way her budget heels make her thick ass sway, her skirt hem
kicking up teasingly against the backs of her glowing thighs as she walks.

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