Fighting the Pull by Kristen Ashley EPUB & PDF

Fighting the Pull by Kristen Ashley EPUB & PDF

Fighting the Pull by Kristen Ashley EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Kristen Ashley
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

As I walked from my apartment to the studio, I had a million things on
my mind, which wasn’t good considering, in this neighborhood, you
needed to keep your senses sharp.
But my mother had texted that morning, saying my brother and his wife
were going to be in town, and she wanted a family dinner Saturday night.
I had no plans on Saturday, but I wanted to sit down and break bread
with my family like I wanted someone to pluck my hair out with tweezers,
one strand at a time.

I had a lot of hair.
That said, I wasn’t sure how to get out of it.
As mentioned, I didn’t have any plans that night, which would be strike
one according to my family, since not only was I not dating, I wasn’t seeing
anyone. Or better, engaged. Or the best, giving up “that parasitic hobby”
and spending my time dusting, making dinner and producing babies for my

In other words, I was already losing before I even showed at dinner.
And using work as an excuse to get out of it…
Well, one could just say that I’d rather spend three hours fielding
questions about how I’m “putting myself out there” than dealing with the
response of sharing I was too busy with work to show.
In other words, strike two would be the fact I still was engaged in “that
parasitic hobby.” That being my “Elsa’s Exchange, Celebrity News and
Interviews” channel.
Did it count for them I had over thirty million followers?

Did it count for them that I was currently assessing three…I’ll repeat
three seven-figure…and I’ll repeat again, seven-figure offers to stream on a
major platform?
Okay, to be fair, by “for them” I meant Mom, my brother Oskar and my
sister Emilie. Dad got a kick out of my show. He didn’t say that often in
front of Mom, but he found his ways to make it known to me.
But Mom’s censure made up for Dad’s acceptance.
Nugget of news: it always had.
Strike three would be…

Well, everything else about me.
Since the only real excuses I had were work, and that would be
unacceptable, or I already had plans with girlfriends, which would also be
unacceptable (for Mom, family trumped friends, even if my brother and I
weren’t close, didn’t really get along and never did, ditto with my sister, and
then some with my mother). Further, my girlfriends weren’t popular with
Mom. They were too ambitious. Too independent. Too modern.
I mean, seriously, Mom was from one of the most progressive countries
in the world, and she moved to one of the most liberal cities in the world.
And yet.

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