Fight or Flight by Samantha Young EPUB & PDF

Fight or Flight by Samantha Young EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Samantha Young
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary Women’s Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

MARCH 2018
Food. Food and coffee. I knew those should be my priority. The
grumbles in my belly were making that perfectly clear. And
considering the purpose for my visit to Phoenix, it was no
wonder I was marching through the terminal after having my bag
searched in security, feeling like I might claw someone’s face off if I
didn’t get a shot of caffeine in my system.

Even though I was hangry, my priority was to get upgraded to first
class on my flight home to Boston. I could be hangry all I wanted in an
airport. But as I was someone who suffered from mild claustrophobia,
sitting in coach—with my luck stuck beside someone who would take
their shoes and socks off during the flight—would be a million times
worse than being hangry. I couldn’t chance it. A pair of strange, hot,
sweaty, smelly bare feet next to me for four and a half hours? No, that
was a hell my current state of mind couldn’t deal with. I shuddered as I
marched toward the desk at my gate.

Seeing a small group of people crowded under a television screen, I
faltered, wondering what had drawn them to the news. I slowed at the
images of huge plumes of smoke billowing out of a tremendously large
mountain, my curiosity drawing me to a halt.

Within a few seconds the news told me that an unpronounceable
volcano in Iceland had erupted, creating this humungous ash cloud
that was causing disruption in Europe. Flights there had been
grounded and consequently travel chaos ensued.
The thought of being stuck in an airport for an indeterminate
number of hours—days even—made me shudder in sympathy for my
poor fellow human beings.

I couldn’t imagine dealing with that on top of the week I’d just had.
I liked to think I was someone who was usually cool and collected, but
lately my emotions were so close to the surface I was almost afraid of
them. I asked the universe to forgive me my self-absorption, thankful
that I was not someone who wasn’t going to make it home today, and
continued on my path to the gate desk. There was no one in line, and
the man behind it began to smile in welcome as I approached.

“Hi, I was wondering—Oof!” I winced as a laptop bag attached to a
big guy whacked against my right shoulder, knocking me back on my
heels. The big guy didn’t even realize he’d hit me as he strode right
past and cut in ahead of me.
“I’d like tae upgrade tae first class, please,” he said in a deep, loud,
rumbling, very attractive accent that did nothing to soothe my
annoyance with him for cutting in front of me.

“Of course, sir,” the gate agent answered, in such a flirtatious tone I
was sure that if I’d been tall enough to see over the big guy’s shoulder I
would see the agent batting his lashes at him. “Okay, flight DL180 to
Boston. You’re in luck, Mr. Scott. We have one seat left in first class.”
Oh, hell no!
“What?” I shoved my way up next to Rude Guy, not even looking at

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