Fey Conquest (FEY LORDS #1) by S. Rodman EPUB & PDF

Fey Conquest (FEY LORDS #1) by S. Rodman EPUB & PDF

Fey Conquest (FEY LORDS #1) by S. Rodman EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: S. Rodman
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Earth was invaded twenty-eight days ago. I think it is most unfair that I
still have to go to work. And judging by the eerie emptiness of London’s
streets, most people’s employers agree with me. But not mine, no, never
mine. My shitty bosses have insisted we all come in.
As if anyone is going to be thinking about getting their car insurance
renewal quotes at a time like this.

I sigh heavily and pull the strap of my messenger bag higher up my
shoulder, and pick up the pace of my walking. Since I have to go to work,
as ludicrous as that is, there is no point in being late.
I’m almost missing the early days of the invasion when everyone
cowered at home with their eyes fixed on their phone screens for the
constant news reporting. I didn’t leave my blanket fort for days.

But I guess it is now clear that the aliens are not going to massacre
everyone. They are not even going to change much. They literally said in a
speech outside the White House, ‘Carry on, as you were.’
Sucks for presidents, prime ministers and kings. But for us ordinary
people, they’ve said nothing much is going to change. Of course, that’s if
the invaders do as they say.

I shiver and pull my coat tighter, even though it’s not the grey British
weather that is chilling my blood. It’s everything else. It’s being back in
interesting and unprecedented times. I thought the pandemic was going to
be it for my lifetime. But nope. More shit. More drama. Fuck my life.
I turn the last corner of my commute and now I can see the soulless
square glass office block of my workplace. A strange warmth floods me.
Damn it. Don’t tell me that the sight of this shithole is comforting. I’m not
that guy. I work to live, not live to work. Car Insurance Call Handler is not
part of my identity.
Unlike Steve. Who is now waving at me from just outside the revolving

More warmth flows through me and I feel tension leave my shoulders. I
bite back my groan of dismay. I cannot be happy to see this idiot. It would
take more than an alien invasion to make me like Mr corporate ass-licker.

“Hi Steve!” I say with false cheer.
He grins back at me. “Have you heard the news?”
I feel my eyebrows rise. What kind of a question is that? I, like everyone
else in the world, have heard an awful lot of news in the past twenty-eight
days. Nothing but news. Sometimes for over twenty-four hours straight.

“The fey have deposed all CEOs of all big companies! We have a fey
boss now!”
Well, that can’t be good. Great. Just great. I can feel a panic attack
coming on.

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