Fearless Heart by Brighton Walsh EPUB & PDF

Fearless Heart by Brighton Walsh EPUB & PDF

Fearless Heart by Brighton Walsh EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Brighton Walsh
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Medical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

GENERALLY SPEAKING, I didn’t mind a well-placed hand on my ass.
Loved it, actually. Though, generally speaking, when said hand was on
my ass, I wasn’t usually at the grocery store, in broad daylight, in the view
of dozens of Starlight Cove’s residents and busybodies. And, generally
speaking, the person copping a feel wasn’t old enough to be my

“Mabel.” I raised a brow at the woman who stood next to me in all her
neon-orange glory, her hair a mass of short gray curls around her head, then
glanced to where she had an entire handful of my ass. “Much as I love
getting felt up, Aiden and I have a little league practice we need to get to, so
can you finish up?”
“What? Oh!” Mabel, Starlight Cove’s gossip, troublemaker, and selfproclaimed news broadcaster, pulled her hand away—much slower than
someone who was caught groping another person should have—and a sly
smile swept across her mouth. She could’ve been anywhere between sixtyfive and eighty-five—I valued my life far too much to ask—and there was
no doubt she’d learned a thing or two in that time. Namely, that she didn’t
give a single fuck.

“Should I leave you two alone?” my brother asked dryly. Aiden—
second eldest of the McKenzies—stood off to the side, arms crossed. He
hadn’t bothered to change out of his work clothes after leaving the family
resort in the very capable hands of our baby sister. He didn’t concern
himself with the fact that he was going to look ridiculous in a white buttonup and dress pants on the baseball mound as fifteen eight-year-olds ran
circles around him and screamed their heads off.
“Hey, I gotta get it where I can,” I said, winking at Mabel as she strolled
away with a little shimmy in her step, her gaze still glued to my ass and not
what was in front of her.

Aiden rolled his eyes and grabbed two baskets before handing one to
me. “We both know ‘getting it’ is the least of your problems.”
I pressed my lips together, not saying a word in response. Getting it?
No, that wasn’t a problem. Had never been. It was almost sad how
predictable it had all become; I’d bet my entire life savings I’d have at least
one number before I left the store.

But being interested in it? That was my problem—recently anyway.
Though, “my” was pushing it, considering my dick was the one with the
issue. Apparently he was no longer interested in a mindless escape. No
longer at all up—pun abso-fucking-lutely intended—for entertaining the
various women in our picturesque pocket of Maine. For some unknown
reason, the not-so-little bastard had suddenly become discerning.
Discerning, but without an ounce of self-preservation.

Because the one woman he had become obsessed with? She’d just as
soon cut him off before she ever played with him.
So, yeah. You could say my dick and I were at a bit of a crossroads, and
who knew how long it would be before we were on the same page.

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