Fated by Sarah Ready EPUB & PDF

Fated (GHOSTED #3) by Sarah Ready EPUB & PDF

Fated (GHOSTED #3) by Sarah Ready EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Sarah Ready
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.7 MB
  • Price: Free

Geneva is a dream at Christmastime. The end of November ushers in
crisp blue skies, brisk alpine winds tinged with the hint of snow sweeping
down the white-capped mountains, and the opening of the Christmas

The old sophisticated city adopts an air of childlike glee. Glowing
lights, evergreen wreaths, and garlands wind along the cobbled streets of
Old Town, eclectic Carouge, and the Marché de Noël. The Christmas
markets sparkle through the city and on the shores of the lake. Little
wooden stalls dot the markets, brimming with the tempting cinnamon-andclove scent of vin chaud. The mulled wine mixes with smells of fresh
gingerbread and roasting chestnuts. There’s even skating in Parc des
Bastions, where Mila and I grip mittened hands as we glide across the ice
under the starry night sky.

On the weekend after the eleventh of December, Mila, Daniel, and I
celebrate the fête de l’Escalade. In 1602 our Genevois ancestors defended
the city and Mère Royaume threw her boiling cauldron of soup on the

So we join hands and chant, “Ainsi périrent les ennemis de la
République.” Thus perished the enemies of the Republic!
And then we lift our joined hands and smash a giant chocolate cauldron
and cheer as marzipan vegetables and candies spill out. Daniel steals all the
marzipan, chortling about younger brother rights, and Mila gobbles up the

On a windless, moonlit night, Mila and I glide across the lake on a
cruise, snug under wool blankets, warming ourselves with endless pots of
bubbling cheesy fondue gathered on chewy squares of freshly baked bread.
At Christmastime there are lights, there are carols, and there is the most
important tradition of all—the Abry Christmas Eve Gala.

This is the one hundred and fiftieth Christmas Eve Gala that my family
has hosted, so of course, it’s a big deal. In fact, Daniel has hounded the
marketing team, the events team, and the public relations team for the past
year to make sure this gala is one that will go down in history.

The chateau, which is drafty and imposing on the warmest summer day,
is lit up like a Christmas tree. The soft glow of thousands of lights twirl
around the stone towers and span the steepled roof, transforming the harsh
stone into a welcoming Christmas wonderland.

The chateau lights reflect in the black waters of the lake and brighten
the night sky. I glance out my second-story bedroom window at the long
drive below, watching a line of chauffeur-driven Rolls and Benzes snake
along the lantern-lit driveway

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