Fastlander Fallen (FASTLANDERS #2) by T. S. Joyce EPUB & PDF

Fastlander Fallen (FASTLANDERS #2) by T. S. Joyce EPUB & PDF

Fastlander Fallen (FASTLANDERS #2) by T. S. Joyce EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: T. S. Joyce
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 11.6 MB
  • Price: Free

“Where are you?” Corey Gable murmured into her phone. “Call me
She hung up, shaking her head. She scanned the café and checked the
front door again, but her cousin, Hallie, still wasn’t here. Was she really
standing her up for their weekly Wednesday breakfast date? Again?
There was no way. After last week’s edition of no-show-Hallie, she’d
sworn she wouldn’t forget again.

Corey took a sip of her coffee and checked her phone for a return text,
but there was still nothing. She’d texted Hallie three times before the call.
Dangit, she’d dressed up extra cute today. Why? Because her social life
had been suffocated since Hallie had shacked up with her boyfriend, or
mate, or whatever shifters preferred going by. Hallie wasn’t just her cousin.
She was her best friend! Now who was she supposed to hang out with? She
had work acquaintances, but they weren’t as fun and trustworthy as Hallie.
She could tell Hallie anything, safe in the knowledge that she would never
judge her.Who was she supposed to talk to now? Debra the Rumor Spreader? Or
Daisy the One-Upper? Ugh. She saw them enough at work, she didn’t want
them to be a part of her after-work life. She only wanted to continue with
Hallie, but her life had taken a different turn, and now Corey was being left

That thought made her heart sag, because she felt the truth of it.
Hallie had found herself a hot-as-hell shifter from Damon’s Mountains,
and even though they had moved one property over from Corey’s house,
they might as well be a hundred miles away.
Hallie never made time for her anymore.
She had her new shifter friends.

Okay, what were her options? Go quiet and pout, and hope that
someday Hallie would remember she existed? Get angry and ignore Hallie
until she figured out she was hurting her feelings?
Or…did she listen to what her counselor said about communication,
and tell Hallie exactly how she felt?

Yep. That option.
She pulled her phone up and began typing out a scathing text to Hallie
for standing her up, but then stopped a few sentences in.
This wasn’t right. This wasn’t emotional growth.
She should do this in person, while throwing the bagel she’d ordered at

Yes. That felt right.
Corey stood so fast, her chair scooted noisily across the wood floor.
She was hurt and angry and hadn’t really thought this through. She hadn’t
time to get a to-go cup, so she chugged her room-temperature coffee like a
stiff drink, then grabbed Hallie’s bagel with a napkin and marched out of
the small café.

She strode right for her car, parked in the front row of the small lot, set
the bagel-weapon on the passenger’s seat, and aimed for 1010 Winding
Creek Way.

It was Hallie’s day off work, so she would probably be home,
smooching her stupid boyfriend and forgetting she even existed!
This was against the rules. They’d had this discussion before. They
weren’t supposed to ditch each other for boys, but what was even worse?
Hallie had been hanging out with the women from Gunner’s old Crew. She
was getting close with them, and leaving Corey in her dust.

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