Fangs & the Den of Darkness by Anne Hale EPUB & PDF

Fangs & the Den of Darkness by Anne Hale, CELESTE KING EPUB & PDF

Fangs & the Den of Darkness by Anne Hale, CELESTE KING EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Anne Hale
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Can’t be late,” I murmur to myself as I slip out of my room, adjusting
my embroidered tunic that’s fitted closely to my frame.
I stride purposefully through the tall stone corridors of my family’s
ancestral manor, my booted footsteps echoing off the polished marble
floors. As heir to our noble house, I have walked these hallowed halls since
childhood, absorbing the lessons of history contained in every painting,
statue, and carved emblem adorning the walls.

Down one side passage I go, passing a suit of armor so ancient its
origins are lost to time. A left turn then brings me to a heavy wooden door
bearing the insignia of my lineage – two crossed swords beneath a proud
crown. Beyond lies my uncle’s study, where I have spent countless hours
receiving instruction befitting my station.

As the only child, responsibility for both house and lands fell to me at a
young age, after the tragic loss of my parents some twelve summers past. It
was midsummer when they embarked upon a voyage up the rugged coast,
only to meet their end when a sudden storm dashed their vessel against the
treacherous shoreline. No bodies were ever recovered from the fierce surf.
With no remaining kin, guardianship passed to my mother’s brother,
Duke Caspian. As my uncle and new lord, he became both my guardian and
teacher, determined to shape me into a leader who would bring honor to our
noble name.

Ever since, the weight of expectation has borne down upon me – here I
stand today, on the threshold of cementing both my house’s future and my
own through the tasks set before me.

I rap my knuckles upon the stout oak barrier, steeling myself as always
for the tasks that await within, where my uncle no doubt has more lessons
and commands to impart. The past cannot be rewritten, but the future is
mine to guide – I enter at his bidding, resolute to prove my mettle once

I take a deep breath before knocking on the large wooden door that
leads to my uncle Caspian’s office. Though he has raised me since I was a
child, there is never any casualness between us. Uncle Caspian expects
nothing but perfection from me as the heir to our line.

“Enter,” comes his deep voice from within. I push open the heavy door
and step into the spacious office. Uncle Caspian sits behind his ornate desk,
going over paperwork as is his usual. His intense violet eyes flick up to
meet mine. “Ah, Siderus. Have a seat.”

I nod respectfully and sit opposite him. The office smells of wood
polish and smoke from the fire crackling in the hearth. Portraits of our
ancestors line the walls, their stern faces watching over us. I watch as my
uncle organizes his papers, taking his time before addressing me.

“You know of the business deal years ago with Marquis Liaric that cost
us considerable funds,” he begins, his tone clipped. I nod silently. It is a tale
I’ve heard many times from these very lips

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