False Start (RED ZONE RIVALS #5) by Kandi Steiner EPUB & PDF

False Start (RED ZONE RIVALS #5) by Kandi Steiner EPUB & PDF

False Start (RED ZONE RIVALS #5) by Kandi Steiner EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kandi Steiner
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.2 MB
  • Price: Free

I wondered how big his cock was.
It was an entirely inappropriate thought for a real estate agent to have
about her new client, but standing in the middle of the vast mansion with
marble floors, high ceilings, and a striking view of Mount Rainier, it was all
I could think.

Because this smelled a lot like overcompensating.
My guess was the guy wasn’t even serious. I’d been alerted at two in the
morning by a real estate app that someone wanted to see this house, and
since I hadn’t slept through the night since I was a kid, I was easily the first
agent to respond to the request. It was a nearly four-million-dollar home,
which got my attention, because even if it was likely just a prank, the
possibility of that commission was life changing and too good to pass up.
I’d also learned that in today’s day and age, most people preferred to be
texted rather than hounded on the phone.

So, I’d sent a text right away, saying I had availability today and
sending over my times. My mystery client had picked the first one, and so
here I was, tea in hand, standing in the middle of a seven-thousand-squarefoot home and wondering who the hell could possibly need this much

I sighed.
It was probably a joke.
I’d dealt with enough of those in my five years as an agent. People
loved to play that trick, pretending to be interested in buying just to see the
inside of a nice house. Most of the larger homes required some sort of
background check before allowing anyone in to see, some sort of proof that
the client had real intent to buy. But, sometimes, like in this case, anyone
could request a viewing.

The listing was new, and my guess was the sellers would learn their
lesson to put some parameters in place soon enough.
I glanced at my watch, noting that the guy was already twenty minutes
late. Of course, it could be a woman. It wasn’t fair that I assumed it was a
man. But judging by the house listing boasting a man cave complete with
an indoor golf simulator, I guess you could say I had a pretty good hunch.

The name they’d given in the app request was Nunya Biznaz, which
either meant this was absolutely some nosy prick who just wanted to see
inside a mansion, or that it was someone high profile who didn’t want the
media snooping on their real estate inquiries.

Both were plausible in Seattle.
I was just about to break my text-only rule and call the guy when a loud
engine alerted me to his arrival.

That overcompensating thought came rushing back.
Slapping a smile on my face, I let my stiletto heels carry me toward the
front door, the soft click-clack a bit soothing as I did. I’d left the door open,
so I stood in the foyer, ready to greet my client — who’d just pulled up the
stone drive in a forest green Aston Martin that still purred even while idle.
The engine cut, and the door opened, revealing one long leg and a very
large sneaker.

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