Falling for Mr. Grump Next Door by Josie Frost EPUB & PDF

Falling for Mr. Grump Next Door by Josie Frost EPUB & PDF

Falling for Mr. Grump Next Door by Josie Frost EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Josie Frost
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.6 MB
  • Price: Free

Mae – Busy Lawyer Life
“Mom, what’s for dinner tonight?” my fourteen-year-old daughter, Mina,
calls out as soon as I shut the front door.
I kick off my heels and lean against the wall momentarily, taking a deep,
calming breath. Today was a particularly grueling day at the office, and all I
want to do right now is take a nice hot bath.

At first, when my firm appointed me as co-chair on one of the most
notorious cases our defense firm has ever handled—the tax evasion
committed by Lil’ Scrap, the top charting rapper—I was thrilled. All my
hard work and late nights were finally being rewarded. Or so I thought.
Today, it was made perfectly clear to me why the firm had chosen me to be
a part of the defense. And it wasn’t for my years of experience and
dedication to the team.

“So, Mae,” Glenn Shoemaker, the firm’s president, says as soon as I enter
his corner office. “At the trial, if you could act…friendly with Marcus, that
would be great.” He sits behind his teak desk, sipping on a dark amber
liquid in a crystal glass. It looks too much like whiskey for 10 a.m. on a
weekday, but he’s the boss.

“Friendly?” I push back. “Or flirty?”
“Yeah, same thing.”
It most certainly is not. I think to myself.

“And if you could loosen a few buttons—metaphorically, of course. You
know, just to show that you’re really comfortable being around him.”
A metaphor? Please. You’re only saying that to protect yourself from
being sued I think, as I shift uncomfortably in my chair.

I know he’s only bringing all of this up because there is another spousal
abuse case against the Grammy-nominated musician. If I play everything
off like he is a gentle and innocent man, the defense team working that case
could play back video footage of our interactions as evidence in their

I can just see it now. They’d say, “See? Now, does he seem like a man
who scares women? Did she seem scared?”
Well, there is no way I’m doing that. I decline as politely as I can.
“I appreciate the advice, Mr. Shoemaker, but I’ll conduct myself just like
any other lawyer on the team.” All the other lawyers are men, which,
unfortunately, should have been my first sign that something fishy is going
on. “I didn’t go to law school to stand before a judge with my assets out and
flirt with a client like some kind of airhead,” I snap, and then quickly leave
his office before he can respond.

“Mom,” I hear Mina call out again. “Did you bring home any dinner?”
My daughter is standing in the hallway, her attention on her phone.
I shake my head and return to my current reality…and adversary. No
relaxing bath for me tonight.

“I’m sorry. I left some casserole in the fridge for you,” I say to Mina, as I
frantically try to untangle myself from my purse and briefcase straps.
“Seriously? That casserole went moldy like last week.” She briefly looks
up from her phone, but then she continues down the hallway to her room.

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