Fallen Stars by Imani Erriu EPUB & PDF

Fallen Stars by Imani Erriu EPUB & PDF

Fallen Stars by Imani Erriu EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Imani Erriu
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy Romance eBooks
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.2MB
  • Price: Free

“I FOUND HER,” ISRA MUTTERED, casting a long look to the building in front of
them. Merissa paced up the slick-stoned street to her, bristling with agitation.
“Again?” Merissa hissed. This was the fourth night in a row now.
Isra shrugged, rolling her neck as she looked at the sign in front of them.
‘Morpheus’s Opiates’, the worn curling letters spelled out, the sign
swinging gently in the Castorian evening air. A light rain was drizzling,
pattering on the cobbles in the dim alley.

“Are you surprised?” Isra drawled, going towards the door. She put the
hood of her thin cloak up over her now unbraided hair—a cloud of black
curls threaded with gold. The hood fell forward enough that she wouldn’t be
recognised as the right hand of the new queen regent of Helios. A temporary
title, as Elara had kept reminding them. She hadn’t even been officially
coronated. All she had was the crown Enzo had given her.
Merissa followed, pulling up her own dove grey hood to hide a wash of
honey curls as they entered.

The den was a shit hole. Half haze-den, half brothel, the sounds of
pleasure and bedposts banging permeating the groans of addicts lining the
narrow corridor in their stupor. Merissa couldn’t stand the place. It was
everything she had come to loathe crammed into one hovel.
“What a symphony,” Isra said. “Always a pleasure.” She flipped a gold
coin through the air to the den’s madam, whose eyes widened as she clutched
it. The coins that Isra had tossed her each night were probably more than the
poor woman had seen in her life.

Merissa sidestepped a body gingerly as they squeezed through the
hallway, looking into the rooms they passed and the low dirty cots sunken
with bodies. Sweet, perfumed smoke cloyed around them, lanterns with
sputtering flames dimly lighting the way. Merissa muttered a filthy curse
under her breath.

“Merissa.” Isra turned. “I didn’t think you knew such words.”
“Well, this place will bring it out of you,” Merissa sighed, shuddering as
she brushed past a dirty body. There was a room at the back, darker than the
others. Dark and pulsing, as though it was purposefully keeping people away.
“Hazard a guess as to who’s in there?”
“Our beloved Moon perchance?” Merissa muttered as they approached,
peering into the dark to the black figure, who was sprawled on a shabby cot.
It had the hood drawn up, and her hair was spilling out of it like ink.
Elara was dead to the world, a hookah pipe filled with hypnom at the side
of the low bed.

Isra gave a sigh before reaching for the glass of water on the low table
next to the bed. Then with a bright smile, she dashed the contents over
Elara’s face.

The goddess gasped awake, jolting up on the bed as she spluttered water.
“Stars’ fucking sake,” she shouted, coughing. “Isra, what did I tell you
about doing that?”
“You look like shit,” Isra said by way of reply, pulling her up. It was true.
Black shadows gathered under Elara’s eyes, her face wan and sunken.
“Even I could do little to glamour it,

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