Faking it with my Off Limits Neighbor by Zadie King EPUB & PDF

Faking it with my Off Limits Neighbor by Zadie King EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Zadie King
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

MY HANDS GRIP THE steering wheel, and my eyes are as wide as saucers
as I gawk through the windshield of my BMW. In fact, I’m pretty sure I
must be having a hallucinatory experience.
Maybe it was those mushrooms you had at lunch.
I ignore my inner sarcasm and continue to stare, mesmerized, hardly
believing what I’m seeing. It’s getting dark, but there are just some things
that are unmistakable, right? Like your mom, or your best friend, or a
dancing bear. Okay, it’s not a dancing bear, but it might as well be. At this
moment, my eyes are not deceiving me. I know what I’m seeing.

The reason I’m so gobsmacked—why my head is turning like it’s on a
swivel—is because the man walking down the street of our small town at
this very second is supposed to be in Paris. Which you may think is no big
deal; okay, he’s no longer in Paris. The thing is, this same man broke my
heart before he left. Oh, and did I mention I haven’t seen him in ten years?
While I can hardly believe my eyes, they’re usually honest; I know I’m
not hallucinating. The evidence is right there on two legs in front of me.
Troy Heaton, my best friend’s brother, is back in Cherryville. All six-footone of him. So stunned am I that I can’t peel my eyes away from him.

That is, until I suddenly feel a sharp bump. Spinning my head around to
look where I’m supposed to be going, I discover that I’ve not only mounted
the curb, but I’m also about to take out old Mrs. Burton with the grill of my

“Oh, my Lord,” I screech, yanking on the steering wheel.
With another sharp bump as the tires come off the curb, the car is once
again where it belongs. On the road, not the sidewalk. I swipe my long
black hair out of my face; with my heart thumping and the picture of Mrs.
Burton waving her cane at me in the rearview mirror, I grip the wheel with
all the strength my hands can muster. So tightly, in fact, that my knuckles
are white.

Still, I can hardly comprehend what I’ve just seen. I mean, if the Grim
Reaper appeared right now—which, with the way I’m driving, could quite
be a possibility—I would be less surprised than I was by seeing Troy
wandering down the main street.

Breathe, Charlie.
I take a huge gulp in and a slow breath out. And then another. And then
another. Nope, my pulse is still going a million miles an hour.
I’ll be honest; I’m not easily shocked. I mean, I run my own business in
interior decorating. If you could see some of the houses I’ve been invited to,
or worse, what the clients actually want me to do to make them better,
you’d understand.

But at this very second, the reaction I would have to
garish drapes and psychedelic wallpaper pales in comparison. I’m still
struggling to trust my own eyes. And my sanity. I’m sure Mrs. Burton is
feeling exactly the same way.

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