Faking It as the Maid by Emily James EPUB & PDF

Faking It as the Maid by Emily James EPUB & PDF

Faking It as the Maid by Emily James EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Emily James
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Romantic Comedy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Friday night is in full swing at the Dancing Moose Pub. There’s a
plethora of punters, happy to have finished work for the week, kicking back
by swigging wine and beer, and safely tucked away from the blisteringly
Baltic mid-November conditions outside.

A band plays soft rock from the corner of the large room. Groups of
friends tuck into freshly made comfort foods, and colleagues congregate
and slap each other on the back, congratulating one another for completing
another successful week. There’s a couple in the corner whispering into one
another’s ears and kissing behind their menus.

Then there’s me, Avery Anderson. Sitting alone in one of the tan,
winged-backed chairs pulled close to the roaring open fire. To an outsider,
maybe I look like I came in for a post-work drink and to warm myself by
the fire. Maybe they’d think I’m sitting here waiting for friends, family, or
maybe a boyfriend to come meet me. They’d be wrong. Very wrong. I’m
here because today I got fired from my job. Donovan, my boss of six
months, said he was sorry but he couldn’t afford to keep me on at the bar.

To anyone else, I might look like I belong in this bar, surrounded by my
peers. They might not have noticed my carefully glued-back-together boot
that still lets the water in at the seam, or the faded colour of my grey usedto-be-black sweatshirt. To anyone else, I might look like I’m putting my
feet up and enjoying a glass of vodka and lemonade after a hard day. In
reality, I’ve stretched my feet out to get them as close as possible to the fire
in hopes that my socks will dry out before I attempt the three mile walk
home. My drink of choice is tap water. Steve, the barman looked at me like
I was deranged when I ordered it, then he winked at me and said, “Heavy
night last night, was it?” I half-heartedly chuckled at his joke and nodded,
then he poured me my water and told me to come back when I need
something stronger. I have a feeling if I sit by the bar he will continue to
encourage me to order something that costs money, so I carry my water to
one of two spare chairs at a small circular table, and push my feet as close
to the flames as I can get without them catching fire.

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