Fading Sun by Michelle Madow EPUB & PDF

Fading Sun (STAR TOUCHED: VAMPIRE BRIDE #3) by Michelle Madow EPUB & PDF

Fading Sun (STAR TOUCHED: VAMPIRE BRIDE #3) by Michelle Madow EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Michelle Madow
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.3 MB
  • Price: Free

I’m kneeling over Viktor’s ashes in the downtown hotel we ambushed him
in, when a wave of panic crashes over me.
But it’s not mine.
It’s hers.

Something’s happening. I don’t know what that something is, but it’s
big. Bigger than when Lucas attacked her in his apartment. I can feel it
through the duskberry bond.
Another surge of her fear slams into me, intense enough to make my
heart race.

And then, realization.
Because the duskberry bond only travels so far.
Which means she’s close. Very close.
She followed me. I explicitly told her to stay at the Fairmont, and she
disobeyed me.

Stupid, impulsive girl.
But for now, I rein in my anger, pull out my phone, and call her.
I’m sent straight to voicemail. Wherever Amber is, her phone must be
set to do not disturb. Assuming her phone hasn’t been destroyed entirely. In
which case…

There are a lot of reasons why her phone could have been destroyed.
And I know she’s not dead. The duskberry bond would break if she were.
Which means she’s alive. Panicked, but alive.

I try again, and again, and I’m sent to voicemail each time. I try one
more time, hoping the past few times have been flukes, but still, nothing.
“Amber. Call me back,” I say, and I end the call, glaring at the phone in

As I continue to stare at the screen, the panic coming through the
duskberry bond transforms into a strange sort of relaxation. As if Amber’s
at peace—maybe even happy.

And then, nothing.
She closed off the bond. Tracking her down now will be impossible.
At the realization, everything freezes around me, and all I can see is the
pile of Viktor’s ashes before me. All I can feel is the darkness creeping in,
the anger, the betrayal, and his mocking laughter as he tried to tear down
everything I stood for. As he questioned my bond with Amber, my
leadership, and my very identity.

But the dagger that cut deepest wasn’t his physical blade—the one that’s
a twin to mine. It was his voice, whispering doubt, feeding the suspicion
that Amber’s loyalty was never mine to claim.
She only stays with you because you’re keeping her prisoner in the city.
She sees you—all of us—as monsters. Do you truly think she won’t turn on
you the moment she gets a chance? That she’ll ever actually love you?
His words were like daggers to my heart.

They still are.
Mostly because they were based on truth. I am keeping Amber in the
city against her will. The duskberry bond doesn’t just connect our emotions.
It also keeps her within the walls of Manhattan.
But I thought we were growing to care for each other. Maybe even love
each other.

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