Exasperating by Onley James EPUB & PDF

Exasperating by Onley James EPUB & PDF

Exasperating by Onley James EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Onley James
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Military Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


Robby Shaw cracked open one raw, swollen eye, trying to make sense of
the images swimming into view around him. Everything was a swirl of
lights that made him want to hurl. Also, somebody wouldn’t stop
screaming. It was relentless. His arms and legs were leaden. He tried to
move, but everything hurt. His exposed skin stuck to the vinyl beneath him.
It smelled like vomit, or maybe he did. Why did his throat feel like he’d
gargled razor blades? Where was he?

He forced himself to focus. He was in a car. He could feel the vibrations
of the tires over the road, and his whole body jumped with every
imperfection in the asphalt. He was on his stomach, one leg smooshed up
against the door, the other on the floorboard. A black grate separated him
from a shadowy figure in the driver’s seat. Was he in a cab? It smelled like
a cab. Another wave of nausea rolled over him, and he shivered as he
forced himself not to throw up.

“Let me out,” he mumbled over the screaming. “I’ll walk home.”
“Nice try, kid. Go back to sleep. We’ll be there soon.”
“Let me out,” he demanded, his voice a hoarse shout.
“Kid, are you looking to get tazed again? Relax.”
He fumbled for his phone in the pocket of his jeans, smiling when he
realized his kidnappers had missed it. He freed it with effort, managing to
unlock it with his thumbprint. He pressed the top number, still his
emergency contact, and hoped he’d believe him.
The phone rang…and rang…and rang. Robby’s heart sank. He was
going to die in this smelly vinyl box surrounded by screaming. But then,

The sound of rustling made Robby pull his phone away, and then a
sleepy-sounding Elijah said, “Robby? What’s wrong? It’s, like”—a yawn
broke his speech—“four in the morning?”
Robby’s brain fought to put words together, wanting to get the
important stuff out first. “Kidnapped. I don’t know where I am. I can’t see
anything. Can’t move. So much screaming. I need you to save Casanova.”
“Your dog? Robby? Have you been drinking? Where are you? You
don’t sound good. Is that a police siren? Tell me where you are, and I’ll find
somebody to come get you.”

He didn’t want somebody. He wanted a friend. “You, come get me.
Please. You owe me.”

Elijah’s tone held just enough pity to twist the knife in Robby’s heart.
“Babe, I live hours away now, remember? Tell me where you are, and I’ll
get you some help? Do you need a lawyer? An ambulance?”
His heart sank. Elijah was married now. Married to that ginger psycho.
They lived in the mountains far away. “Save my dog. Just do that. I don’t
care what happens to me. I probably deserve it.”
He dropped his phone without hanging up and rolled over, burying his
face in the crack of the smelly seat. He just wanted to sleep. He’d deal with
his kidnappers later.



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