Everything Will Be All Right by Ashley Parker EPUB & PDF

Everything Will Be All Right by Ashley Parker EPUB & PDF

Everything Will Be All Right by Ashley Parker EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Ashley Parker
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Friendship Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

My mother didn’t speak to me for two weeks after I told her I was moving
out of her house and into my very own apartment. I crept around her house
wailing, begging her to just say something.
For two weeks.
I was twenty-one years old, hardly moving out prematurely, not even
moving that far away – a grand total of ten miles. I moved closer to my
work, my first big-girl corporate job.
I didn’t understand why she was so upset back then. We were close, yes,
but it’s not like we were spending every day together. I moved out, loading
the moving truck while Mom sat in the living room on her laptop in silence,
not once looking up from her solitaire game.

She called me a few days later, asking if she could take me shopping for
new home supplies. We never discussed her giving me the cold shoulder for
two weeks. I never told her how hurt I was. I knew I didn’t do anything
wrong, everyone moves out at some point, right? But still, I felt like I was
the bad guy here. By the time she called, I had already apologized twenty
times. She never did.

So, four years later, when I tell her I am moving to California for a new
job, I expect another cold war, not the squeal of delight and well wishes.
It’s hard to tell the rest of my family that within the next sixty days, I
will have a completely new life in California, but honestly, they don’t seem
too surprised that I’ve finally schemed my way out of Georgia. Not that
there’s anything wrong with it, I mean, Georgia is great and all, but I’m
excited to go somewhere where my tattoos and nose ring aren’t considered
breaking news. I’m excited to make a home with my boyfriend. I’m excited
for my new job.

I’m excited for a fresh start.
* * *
I reduce my life down to two suitcases, an elephant-shaped hamper full of
thriller and fantasy books, and my two cats, Biscuit and Midnight, both
meowing incessantly in their crates in the backseat. Everything else was
supposed to be donated or sold, but in reality, I called some guy from a ‘We
Haul Junk’ company and paid way too much.

I’m heading out west a couple days before Logan, my boyfriend of six
months. My new job wanted me to start immediately, while Logan is
finishing up his Master’s in Computer Science and won’t graduate for
another week. Hence his absence from my grand sendoff.

I slam the trunk of my blue sedan, freshly washed after a last-minute
tuneup before I drive it across the country. I turn around to my mom
holding out a card, the corner of a hundred dollar bill sticking out. We used
to get the “you must be her older sister!” routine constantly and, honestly, if
it weren’t for the past decade she spent in a tanning booth, I would still buy
it. She has two inches on my five four, but we are both slim, with the same

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