Every Version of You by Sloan Spencer EPUB & PDF

Every Version of You (THE RUGBY LOVERS #1) by Sloan Spencer EPUB & PDF

Every Version of You (THE RUGBY LOVERS #1) by Sloan Spencer EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Sloan Spencer
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.2 MB
  • Price: Free

March 23rd
Tonight feels like an end and a beginning. That might be the tequila
turning me sentimental during Rafael’s housewarming party, but I don’t
think it is. Because once again, Rafael Juan Dominico Jimenez is living in
the same city as me.

The way it should be.
For the last eight years Raf has lived one hundred and fifty miles away in
Washington DC, working as a financial controller most recently. That was
until our other best friend, Cora, hired him at her architecture firm as her
new Chief Financial Officer. If you would have told me twelve years ago,
when we were raving in college, that my two best friends would be running
a whole-ass company together, I would have told you to pass me whatever
you were smoking. But people can change a lot in a decade.

Some things don’t though. Like how fine Raf looks in that white Henley,
showing off his rich terracotta skin and bright, a-ton-of-money-went-intothis-mouth smile. Oh, and let’s not forget about those devilish dimples
punctuating either side.

It’s like, we get it, you’re hot. Can you cover it up sometimes? It’s
incredibly distracting as someone who is only supposed to be a best friend.
Unfortunately for me, I made him become my friend at an innocently young
age when we were simply two pudgy kids with less-than-ideal family
dynamics. Well, that part was mostly me.

And sure, throughout our twenty-two year friendship, there have been
heated moments where I thought…maybe. Maybe he felt the same
unspoken spark that I have tried relentlessly to deny. But time and time
again Raf has proved me wrong. He has stuck to his guns, continued the
patterns, and perpetuated his no-romantic-commitment approach to dating.
Simply put: Rafael Jimenez is a slut.

Don’t get mad at me for using that term; he self-identifies as such. It
works out for him. I know he’s upfront with his sexual partners, man or

But for two best friends who, in a way raised each other, we could not be
more different. While he’s sowing his wild oats, I’ve been looking for the
real deal. This doesn’t mean I’m some virgin by any stretch of the
imagination, but I’m thirty-one years old and I want a fucking husband. I’m
not ashamed to admit that either. Not just any husband—I’m not that

What I want is someone to be obsessed with me the way I am about them.
I want an all-consuming love bracketed by commitment. I want to laugh
with someone about the dumbest, most cringe-worthy moments until we
could pee ourselves, and then we’d laugh even harder from the sheer
disgust. I want to go to the grocery store together, and he’d know that I like
the expensive dill pickles you buy in the refrigerated section, not the greendyed shelf-stable ones. And that he prefers the store-brand sandwich
cookies over Oreos—you know, like a psycho. And I’d know he likes it
when I write dirty things on sticky notes and leave them around the house
to find.

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