Entwined Magic by A.R. Lewis EPUB & PDF

Entwined Magic by A.R. Lewis EPUB & PDF

Entwined Magic by A.R. Lewis EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author A.R. Lewis
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The spider dropped downward from the tree branch she’d been walking
along, spinnerets expelling the strong, silken thread that kept her
tethered to the branch above. Two of her delicate back feet played the line
out, controlling her descent. She halted a moment, a strange flicker catching
one of her eyes. Rapidly reversing her trajectory, the spider scuttled back up
the tendril of webbing as quickly as she could.

She dropped her belly to the branch, pulling her legs in close to her body.
The darkness was somehow… wrong. She waited for whatever it was that
had caught her attention to flicker again.

There—across the clearing. The darkness of the moonless night shuddered
again, and the spider shuddered as well. Something was coming; something
the Land was fighting against.

The night air stilled, insects going suddenly quiet. The spider hunched
further, making herself as small as possible. She watched as a piece of the
darkness contracted. There was a momentary pause, then the darkness
expanded out again with such force that the trunks of the smaller trees along
the edge of the clearing were snapped and flattened.

A scream of pain that was felt more than heard ripped through the night as
the Land was compelled against its will.

Then… nothing. Silence rang again through the clearing, and the spiders
eyes widened as she saw a form coalesce from the center of the newly hewn
trees. It was human-shaped, but felt like no human, witch, fae, or shifter the
spider had ever learned of. Perhaps it was one of these things once, but no

She watched as the creature examined its surroundings, with a growing
sense of dread at the sheer wrongness of this entire situation. The creature
seemed to have come to some kind of decision; it nodded to itself a few
times, then ripped another jagged opening into the darkness, stepped
through, and disappeared as the opening closed behind it.

The spider blinked her eyes a few times, then stayed as quiet and still as she
could until the sun rose several hours later. Once the daylight had firmly
established itself, the spider allowed herself to finally move. Previous webspinning forgotten, she hurried higher up into the tree until she was able to

scurry from one tree’s branches to another’s. She needed to get back to the
House of Weavers; she needed to tell the Greatest of Grandmothers what
she’d witnessed. She needed to be as far from that clearing as she could
possibly be.

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