Entranced by the Basilisks by Lillian Lark EPUB & PDF

Entranced by the Basilisks by Lillian Lark EPUB & PDF

Entranced by the Basilisks by Lillian Lark EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Lillian Lark
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB


“YES?” I ask without looking up.
Agnes’s disapproving gaze burns the crown of my head. If the woman
were a paranormal being, her glare would undoubtedly be deadly.
Much deadlier than mine anyway.

“The Owens called wanting to set a date for their party.”
I look up and no matter her steel spine, Agnes flinches. The effect is
regrettable. It would be much easier to handle donors and their ridiculous
requests if my very presence didn’t cause an instinctual wariness.
But there is no way around being what I am.

“Are they still wanting the whole first floor?” I ask.
“Yes.” Her answer reflects the annoyance I feel. This library is a joint
organization of the city and the Council that governs the paranormal world.
I’m told the building is beautiful and that it’s quite the brag to be able to host
events here. A brag that is worth upping the already considerable donations
that sustain this library.

The beautiful building is aged and always in need of repairs. The majority
of the funds go to managing the invaluable collections we handle, but all the
safety wards in the world will not help if the building falls down around our

Until I can squeeze blood from the stone that is the Council’s pocketbook,
money from donors is essential to being able to run the library.
I massage the bridge of my nose.
But to close the first floor doesn’t cover what they are asking for and
Agnes knows it. For the type of party they are organizing, it would require
closing the whole building to the public since there would be no way to
access the study rooms and stacks. The library is a bustling place for casual
visitors, students, and traveling academics advising on the items we carry.
Any disruption to the running of it will cause ripples in scheduling for

I have the authority to do it, but it chafes against the purpose of what we
do and sets a precedent I don’t want. This building is supposed to function as
a library, not an event hall.
But we need the donations from the Owens and the crowd they bring in.
The witch family isn’t an old one, but they are well connected.
“Can it be done?” I ask.

Agnes sniffs. She’s a formidable woman who has earned every single
silver-threaded hair on her head. Her skills and fortitude are why the building
runs as well as it does.
“Yes, with enough notice,” she says.
“Then schedule it.”

And she likes me not at all. Which is fine. I’ll be the first to admit I’m not
likable. There is too much to do and not enough time in the day for the social
pleasantries required to smooth out my instructions. Social pleasantries have
never done much for me anyway.

“There’s another thing,” Agnes says, interrupting my attempt to get back
to work. Her face is pinched. This can’t be good.
“HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?” My voice is measured, but the outrage bleeds
through anyway. Not at Agnes. Never at Agnes. I can only imagine how
much worse the situation would be without her.

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