Enemy Mate by Karen Santos EPUB & PDF

Enemy Mate by Karen Santos EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Karen Santos
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Ayden Red
I ran at full Alpha speed towards the place where I smelt
the rogue. I cant deal with this at the moment. I let my pitch
black wolf with orange ears lead the way. I saw the boring
brown wolf ahead of me and I pounced on it. The mutt fought
back before practically giving in. I bit into its neck and it
dropped down to the floor dead.
Some people may think its ruthless to kill them on the spot
but I do it to every rogue or Midnight moon spy that enters
my land.

The rogues that enter my land must be extremely stupid
because every one knows what I do to rogues.
I left the body of the dead wolf lying on the floor for my
men to clean up and dispose of and I walked away in victory.
No one can beat me in any fight, I have trained so hard for
this, I have trained so hard to defeat Joseph Midnight, the
Alpha of Midnight Moon which just so happens to be the
murderer or my parents.

I let out a growl as I run back to my house. Just at the
thought of what that man did to my parents makes me sick.
He will pay for what he did.

I decided to go to my pack house instead of to my house so
I can plan war against the Midnight moon pack. At arrival I
ran into a changing room and shifted into my human form.
Since we have many wolves arriving at our pack house (and
there is a no wolf in the pack house policy) I put changing
rooms outside of the house with clothes stored in them for
the privacy of my pack members. I may be know as a
murderess Alpha but I care about my pack a lot and I only do
the things I do to protect them.

I walked into my office and ordered a highly ranked pack
meeting through mind link. Within ten minutes the
conference room was full of my highly ranked pack members
and some of my best fighters.

“Okay I have called this meeting to order another attack
against the Midnight Moon pack.” I began softly but spat out
the words Midnight Moon Pack.

“Excuse me Alpha, do you really think its wise to attack
again? We only came out of battle with them 4 months ago,

the only female in the room began. She is my pack warrior,
that is the only reason she is here. Most woman seem to be
nosy and complain about everything that is the reasons I
don’t normally involve them in pack business.
“Are you questioning my ability as Alpha?” I roared using
my powerful Alpha tone.

“No sir, I just think it would be better if we held off for a
” she started confidently. Non of the people in the room
are cowards so no one would be nervous when I use my Alpha
tone… unless I am really angry.

“I will ‘hold off’” I said mocking her voice,
“when Joseph
Midnight and his mate are dead!”

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