Enemies to Wife (WIFE FOR HIRE) by Aisling Elizabeth EPUB & PDF

Enemies to Wife (WIFE FOR HIRE) by Aisling Elizabeth EPUB & PDF

Enemies to Wife (WIFE FOR HIRE) by Aisling Elizabeth EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Aisling Elizabeth
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.8 MB
  • Price: Free

“YOU CAN’T AFFORD ANY more screw ups, Lily,” the familiar voice of
Jade, my manager at the agency, grated through the mobile phone that I was
trying to cradle with my shoulder while I locked the door to the apartment
that I had called home for the last three years.

“I know, I know,” I sighed. I had heard various versions of this talk
several times over the last two weeks since the contract had been signed. It
wasn’t like it was even my fault, but somehow, I was the one who would
have to pay the price for it. I had started working at the Wife for Hire
agency three years ago after my friend Clara had convinced me to apply. I
had lost yet another job and had my bank account hacked. I was broke and
miserable and Clara had told me all about the agency and how she was
earning obscene amounts of money for spending a few months with rich
men who needed, for one reason or another, a wife.

I was hesitant to even
consider the idea at first, but after receiving yet another demand letter from
the student finances department at the university that I had unfairly been
kicked out of, I knew I didn’t really have a choice in the matter.

The agency had taken me on, and not only given me a job and a place to
stay, but they had also dealt with the university and given me more time to
pay off the stupidly large debt. I wasn’t surprised to hear that the Regents
University of Law and Economics had regular clients with the Wife for Hire
agency. The whole place was filled to the brim with self entitled rich kids
who were just the type to think that it was their right to own another person
like property.

I had had my own run in with one particular jumped up elitist
prick, Sebastian Lynch. He had become so assured that I would be his, that
when I turned him down; he made up shit about me and had me kicked out
of the university, leaving me forced to pay back the scholarship fund that
had enabled me to go in the first place. I had tried fighting them, but
apparently their contract was ironclad, and I had thirty grand of debt for an
education I wouldn’t be getting.

“Well, as long as you do know,” Jade’s snarky tone pulled me back to
myself as I picked up my small suitcase that had every possession I owned
and set off down the stairs to the ground floor.

“I promise,” I said into the phone. “I have no intention of this going
wrong. I know how much I need this contract. I know how much I owe the

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