Endurance by Amy Daws EPUB & PDF

Endurance (HARRIS BROTHERS #2) by Amy Daws EPUB & PDF

Endurance (HARRIS BROTHERS #2) by Amy Daws EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Amy Daws
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 7 MB
  • Price: Free


This is what shagging the crazy ones gets me.
Exhaling heavily, I shift my feet back and forth on the concrete as the
cool October night air touches every inch of my body.

“The least she could do is turn the front step lights off,” I murmur to
myself, hunching over and adjusting my grip. “Kat!” I whisper scream at
the closed door. All I’m greeted with is more arguing that’s been going on
for nearly five minutes now. “Open the bloody door! I’m out here with my
fucking cock in my hands for Christ’s sake. This is complete shit!”
The screaming stops. My eyes widen and I’m suddenly not so sure I
want to see what’s on the other side of the door. Maybe standing naked on a
London street corner is a better option than facing the raging, fire-breathing
dragon that is Kat.

With a high-pitched squeak, the door swings open and I’m met with
eyes as dark as night, hair as wild as candy floss, and a lip with a curl that
mimics a dog ready to attack.

“What exactly do you think is complete shit, Tanner?” She moves
forward, forcing me backwards down the steps.
I look anywhere but her eyes because I’m quite certain they could turn
me to stone. “Erm…nothing. I just…wondered if I might…nip in and grab
my clothes and then I’ll be off.”
“You’ll be off all right. But if you think you’re stepping one fucking
foot back inside my flat, you’re dead wrong. You called me by my sister’s

“Right, but you guys look alike—”
“That was after you told me she sucked cock better than me!”
“You misunderstood…” I stammer.
She slams her hands on the frame of the door like she’s trying to stop
herself from lunging at me. “Did I misunderstand your request for a

I’m thankful my beard can hide the terrified quivering of my lips that’s
not happening because of the cool air. If she senses my fear, I’m a goner.
“I just thought after the mishap it might help to mend some fences. You
seemed upset when you realised I’d slept with your sister, so…” My
stammering voice trails off as I take in the psychotic look in her eyes.
“Tanner Harris?”

I wince.
“GET STUFFED!” she screams and slams the door in my face.
I deflate as all hope of obtaining my clothes, wallet, and mobile
crumbles to the cold ground beneath my bare feet.
“Way to fucking go, Tanner,” I mumble, releasing my grip to push my
long hair back from my eyes and then returning my hands to cup my
shrinking nutty buddies.

This is worse than last week when I had to jump from a second level
balcony in West Yorkshire because the Spanish bird I met there didn’t tell
me she was engaged. How was I to know the Catalan word for fiancé is
promès? My dad was not pleased when pictures of me running through a
back alley started popping up on Twitter.
At least she tossed me my stuff.

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