Elements by Jesikah Sundin EPUB & PDF

Elements by Jesikah Sundin EPUB & PDF

Elements by Jesikah Sundin EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Jesikah Sundin
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Science Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

New Eden Township, Salton Sea, California
Saturday, October 3, 2054
Year 19 of Project Phase One
Day One of The Exchange
Coal’s mind faded in and out of consciousness, and it took significant effort
to open his eyes. When they did open, the view was fuzzy and he sought
relief by closing them once more, blinded by the intense light that shone
overhead. Sensations encouraged his body to return to sleep, but his mind
shouted that he was in danger. The first tingles of adrenaline hit his
bloodstream, and he mentally groped for awareness.
He did not remember falling asleep. Shortly after his arrival, he was
whisked into a room by Michael—a scientist he had met upon entering the
biospherics lab—who encouraged him to enjoy a tumbler of water as a team
sifted through paperwork to receive parental permission for his extended
stay and travels. Now, he found himself in a foreign room with a low
rhythmic chirp in the background.

What made such noise?
A groan escaped his dry and cracked lips as he rolled to his side and
craned his neck toward the sound. Coal’s arm winced with a dull ache, and
his eyes widened. The chirp belonged to a strange box-shaped machine
perched atop a metal pole with a flat rope or twine that traveled his
direction before disappearing into the wall. Numbers flashed on the black
box, and he sucked in a quick breath as they continued to write and rewrite
themselves, over and over again.

Was he in a dream?
A nightmare?
His eyelids fought the urge to remain closed. He forced himself to
remain focused and to follow the twine. The blurriness of his vision irritated
him, and he lifted his hand with the intention of rubbing his eyes. Mid-air,
however, he stilled at the sight of a small, pipe-like object partially dangling
from the back of his hand. He drew his hand closer for inspection. It did not
appear to be a living object. Nevertheless, the pipe burrowed into his body,
fastened to his skin with what appeared to be a secretion.
Alarmed, he sat up and sharply turned his head, taking in the undulating
whitewashed room while squinting from the bright, unnaturally white light
overhead. The constant motion made his stomach sour, but he pushed past
the feeling.

What had happened to him?
Where was he?
Coal yanked off the mechanical parasite upon his hand, wincing as the
small pipe emerged from his body, and hurled it to the floor with heavy
movements. In his mind he was quick and sharp, but his body betrayed him
when it lacked both strength and control. A drip splashed onto his breeches
and he watched as another drop of blood pooled along his hand’s skin and
then fell through the air, landing on his foot. He wiped at the droplets and
stared at the smeared blood along his fingers.

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