Eight Rules to a Duke’s Heart EPUB & PDF

Eight Rules to a Duke’s Heart EPUB & PDF

Eight Rules to a Duke’s Heart EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

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Novel: Eight Rules to a Duke’s Heart
Writer(s): Harriet Caves
Format: pdf epub
Categories: Fiction Books

How on earth have you managed to go so long without a ball?”
Well, the last ball Emma had attended had ended in disaster, so she was no
worse off for the lack of balls in her life. She had perhaps missed dancing,
Emma pursed her lips, turning her attention from the carriage window to
the excitable younger woman sitting next to her. Milly, her closest friend,
was the perfect person to ease her back into the London social scene. After
nearly seven years in the countryside, she halfway feared that all the
painstakingly taught social graces and manners she had learned throughout
her life must have left her.

“Goodness knows, Milly. Perhaps I will make my way to the dance floor
tonight, and the memory of every dance step that I have taken in the past
will suddenly leave me.”
“Is your opinion of yourself as a dancer quite so high?”
The snide question came from across the carriage from the stiff, perfumed
woman who was accompanying them to the ball. Emma’s grandmother,
Maggie Debonaire, had always had a frosty exterior, but it had gotten
worse over the years. Unlike Emma, Maggie made no attempt to hide that
she disliked her granddaughter. When Maggie opened her mouth, Emma
could count on hearing only judgment or criticism. Emma winced,
masking her expression with a tight smile.

“I like to think that I am a capable dancer if not terribly elegant,” Emma
said. Her grandmother’s angular features were etched with disdain.
Always a thin and pointed woman, she was even more so when her eyes
narrowed as she contemplated her niece. Emma quickly averted her eyes.
Very well, she was not amenable to trying to have a good time tonight. Her
sour attitude cast a small shadow over Emma’s anticipation for the ball,
but it had been years since she had even stepped foot in London. She was
ready for the scrutiny, even derision of the ton, but she was determined not
to let it deter her. She was back in London for a reason, and she was not
leaving until it was accomplished.

“Are balls not held in the countryside?” Emma’s best friend, Milly, asked.
Emma looked at her quizzically but softened quickly when she saw the
earnest questioning in her friend’s eyes.

“Well… yes. I could have attended many countryside balls; I simply failed
to attend them,” Emma answered. That was not quite the case. Yes, many
families held balls when they decamped to their countryseats. The
availability of balls was not the issue.
Milly still seemed perturbed. Her blue eyes were worried, and she
furrowed her brows considering the lifestyle her friend had been living for
the past several years.

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