Dynasty to Destroy by Aurelia Knight EPUB & PDF

Dynasty to Destroy (STOLEN OBSESSIONS #3) by Aurelia Knight EPUB & PDF

Dynasty to Destroy (STOLEN OBSESSIONS #3) by Aurelia Knight EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Aurelia Knight
  • Language: English
  • Genre:contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.1 MB
  • Price: Free

IT’S BEEN six months since I left my apartment. Days and nights bleed
together with the same shows playing as background noise to give my mind
something harmless to focus on. I repeat the lines as they’re spoken like old
friends. Like I’m not so lonely I’m going insane. The law degree I earned is
nothing but a picture on the wall. I might as well have saved the time and
gotten myself mass-produced hotel art or a nice saying written in script.
Dad: Meet us at the lakehouse for dinner tonight. Drive the M3
and come without Carlo.

My hands shake as I read the message again. I nearly dropped the phone
when it first came in because I was so shocked at being spoken to directly
by my father. Our previous correspondence has come in the form of Carlo
passing messages and him ignoring my attempts to reach out.
Me: Papa, can we please talk about this?

Me: This is extreme.
Me: Papa, I need to get out of this apartment.
Me: I miss you, can we please talk?
Me: Let me use this damn degree you paid for.
With each day, those rejections hurt a little less. Each year he grows
colder toward me hardens my heart, but this direct contact has exposed me.
The lake house is a three-hour drive. I want to be offended that it still
wasn’t a request after all this time. I miss you too, please come to dinner. Is
that too much to ask for?

Why bother when he knows I’ll come? My time is his to control. He’s
my warden, even if I haven’t heard more than a couple of words from him
or my mother since my birthday six months ago.

I drift around my bare room. My clothes lay stretched out over plastic
pop-up tables from the department store. My bed is a mattress and box
spring on the floor, a far cry from my old hand-carved four-poster bed. This
place was supposed to be short term, but I guess my father and I have
different opinions on the meaning.

I stuff some things in an overnight bag, not sure what his plan is, and
then sit on the edge of the bed. A few chairs occupy the living space, but I
don’t have a couch or anything, so I usually sit here. I stare at the single
painting on the wall wishing for the millionth time I had a fucking window.
When I asked, Carlo told me it was a security measure, but I’m pretty sure
it’s just a fire risk.

Reading my father’s text for the hundredth time, I still can’t make sense
of it. If I had any idea what I was walking into, I could make a plan, but it’s
been a long time since I was in a position to be clever since no one has told
me anything. I may not have been able to shake Carlo while away at college
and law school, but those were the

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