Dragonfly by Calliope Stewart EPUB & PDF

Dragonfly by Calliope Stewart EPUB & PDF

Dragonfly by Calliope Stewart EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author:Calliope Stewart
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


The sound of the fire poker clattering to the ground was the first thing I
heard over the roar in my ears.
Confusion filled me as I stared down at the crumpled form of my
husband at my feet. I couldn’t remember why he was there or what had
What I could remember was Mike coming home from a day at court in a
vile mood. Nothing I did could soothe him. He’d been a thundercloud all
throughout dinner. Then I accidentally knocked over his beer. Unforgivable
in his eyes.
Everything was a blur after that.
My throat burned and I brought my fingers up to cup it, prodding and
hissing at the tenderness I found there.
The fucker had choked me, I realized as I took two big steps back away
from my unconscious husband.

This complicates things, I thought to myself as I turned on my heel and
hurried through the sliding glass door that led to the garden.
For the better part of a year I had been carefully planning my escape.
Scraping whatever money I could get together, figuring out bus routes, and
where I would go if I managed to get away from him.
After being married to Mike Campbell for almost five years, I was more
than ready to get out.

My mom had introduced me to him when she was in the hospital
towards the end of her life. Stage IV brain cancer had taken both of us by
surprise, and she had to rush to get all of her affairs in order.
Mike had been her lawyer and the executor of her estate.
Funny, charming, and most importantly supportive, Mike had been with
me every step of the way. Through my mom’s hospice stay and her
subsequent funeral.

He’d even beaten off the relatives that came out of the woodwork to try
and claim some part of my mother’s estate. The ones that hadn’t spoken
with her in over thirty years.
As I dug into the bed of the rose garden with my bare hands, I could still
remember how safe he made me feel and how easy it had been to say yes to
his proposal.

How stupid twenty-two-year-old me had been.
Mike’s control had started not long after we eloped in Vegas and
eventually celebrated with a lavish ceremony in his home state of New
Hampshire. I was supposed to return to college to finish my degree that
Fall, but he convinced me to wait a bit until all of the issues with my mom’s
estate were settled.
So I did.

But then he bought our first home and I was so busy decorating and
furnishing it that college was the last thing on my mind as I learned how to
be a good housewife.
Mike was particular about nearly everything. From the thread count of
his sheets to the way he liked his food cooked.
When I did things correctly he was sweet and affectionate, showering
me with praise.

When things went wrong, however?
It was like living with a stranger.
At first, he would ignore me for days. Looking right through me as he
ate the food I cooked and sat in the house I cleaned.
Then things slowly got worse.

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