Double the Heat by Lori Foster EPUB & PDF

Double the Heat by Lori Foster EPUB & PDF

Double the Heat by Lori Foster EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Lori Foster
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary Women Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Hart W inston tried to prepare himself, but with ev ery breath his anxiety
lev el ramped up until he felt sweat on the back of his neck .
W hat did she want? In his gut, he k new it had to be something
important for her to be so persistent in seek ing him out. Lisa Vogle
wasn’t a woman who chased any man. For sure she wouldn’t chase
He had his suspicions about the message she had to giv e, and mixed
emotions k ept him tightly coiled with the possible consequences.
He wasn’t a coward, damn it! He would face up to his responsibilities
as all the W inston men did.

Yet, he continued to sit in his car in the blistering park ing lot in front
of Lisa’s apartment building, try ing in v ain to sort through his feelings,
not only about Lisa but also about the life ahead. To his twin, Dex, he
had denied caring about Lisa. He’d ev en denied being attracted to her.
He’d called her “plain” when that adjectiv e could nev er be applied to a
woman with her v itality, her intelligence, and her grace. No, she didn’t
look lik e most of the women he dated. She didn’t act lik e them either.
A nd that, in part, was what unsettled him.
Enough. Turning off the car, Hart braced himself for what lay ahead
and stepped onto the burning black top. W av es of suffocating heat
wafted up to amplify his already churning emotions.

He’d mak e it work , he told himself. So Lisa wasn’t lik e most women he
k new. In many way s, she was better.
It didn’t matter that he’d considered her a one-night stand, a moment
of weak ness.
He couldn’t lie to himself; he’d thought of her often ev en before she
began track ing him down. He enjoy ed her company. He’d really
enjoy ed sex with her.
It’d be fine.

Might as well get on with it. Dexter expected a full report, as did his
cousin Joe. Hell, if his suspicions were correct, the whole damn family
would k now his priv ate business in no time at all.
Staring through mirrored sunglasses, hands on his hips, Hart
surv ey ed Lisa’s building. From the park ing lot he could see the side of
the balcony where she lik ed to sit in the ev ening, drink ing hot tea. Not
a beer, nev er that. Not ev en a cola. She held those dainty teacups with
all the grace of a queen.

He smiled at the image, caught himself, and scowled again.
Other than a light that shone from behind closed curtains, her place
look ed empty. Hell, it was only eight o’clock , but Lisa was the “early to
bed, early to rise” sort. She was also a dentist, of all things.
C onserv ativ e, uptight, and buttoned down, v ery proper—in a hundred
different way s, their personalities and lifesty les would clash.
But he’d slept with her in a moment of lust-inspired insanity, a
moment that had plagued his thoughts ev er since. A nd now she

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