Don’t Walk Away by Monica Walters EPUB & PDF

Don’t Walk Away by Monica Walters EPUB & PDF

Don’t Walk Away by Monica Walters EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Monica Walters
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Black & African American Women’s Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Three months later…
Had I known y’all was gon’ get engaged so damn fast, I would
have been pushing to get to know Tyeis faster.”
Jessica frowned at me. “Why?”
“So we can have a double wedding and save this money.”
She rolled her eyes as I chuckled. “Shut up, fool. Plus, that ain’t her
style. She all about her bag. Besides her daughter, everything else come
second to that.”
I’d definitely noticed that shit. Tyeis was always going on a job
somewhere. She was a full-figured model like my cousin, Jessica, but
Jessica had slowed down a bit. I supposed when I could convince Tyeis that
I was the man for her, she would slow down too. This was my first time
being with her since that night at the club. When Jakari called and told me
Brix would be proposing to Jess, I knew she wouldn’t pass up the
opportunity to be here.

I’d been asking her to come down and chill with me, but she was so
damn busy, she hadn’t had time. I wasn’t tripping though, especially since
all this shit had been booked for months. We talked on the phone when we
could, but I hated talking on the phone. I would much rather talk in person.
However, I had to adjust to that, or I wouldn’t have been able to talk to her
at all. We FaceTimed a few times and texted each other most of the time.
As the owner of my own cement company, I had a lot of free time. I was
grateful for that because it hadn’t always been that way. I worked my ass off
to be able to chill out. Up until a couple of years ago, I was working just as
hard as my employees. Business picked up when my stepdad started using
my company for the family business from time to time and referring me to
people he knew. He wasn’t a stepdad. He was more like my real dad,
although I was grown as fuck when he came along.

My biological dad died in the military when I was only two years old. I
didn’t remember which war was going on at the time… probably Desert
Storm or something. The fact remains that I never got to know him. My
mother married some bootleg ass preacher afterward that I got to know as
my father. That only lasted for five years.

He was pretty cool to me as a kid, but when I found out from my mom
that he was sleeping with women in his congregation, I was as done with
his ass as she was. I wanted to get at him first, but of course, she wouldn’t
allow that. That was when my mom’s friend, Tammy, and I started getting
closer, because she understood where I was coming from.
My mama remained single until she met Wesley. That was about a tenyear stint. That gave her time to recover from past hurt and truly get to
know herself. She needed that time more than she knew. While Pop had
plenty of shit he had to overcome, he turned out to be the best thing that

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