Don’t Fall for your Best Friend’s Brother by Zadie King EPUB & PDF

Don’t Fall for your Best Friend’s Brother by Zadie King EPUB & PDF

Don’t Fall for your Best Friend’s Brother by Zadie King EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Zadie King
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  Small Town Romance eBooks
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.2 MB
  • Price: Free

IF ONLY THE NEW guy had put in the right paperwork for the flight plan.
If only I had paid more attention to the naysayers. If only I had kept a closer
eye on my bank balance. If only I had not trusted Miranda .

There were a lot of if onlys that led me to this moment. This moment
where I now stand on my parents’ back doorstep in Sharon Springs,
reaching under the plant pot in the dark, searching for the spare key. I know
it’s around here somewhere, but it’s past three in the morning, and the fact
that it’s dark out is not helping my search.

I’m tired, more than a little
frustrated with my own idiocy, and feeling a little sorry for myself. But at
least I’d managed to avoid the hounding assault of those wannabe
It’s been a whole lot of hours since I left my penthouse apartment in
Washington, D.C.

I took the stairs rather than the elevator. Being stuck in such a confined
space with another tenant of the luxury apartment building was the last
thing I needed. I was trying especially hard to avoid Mrs. Carlton and her
yappy dogs. Dogs that are treated better than humans, I might add. She lets
them do whatever they want, which includes, but is not confined to,
jumping up on my three-thousand-dollar suit.

The last time we shared an elevator journey, I was picking her pesky pets’
hairy deposits from my trouser legs for three days. Besides, she seems to
know more about my life than I do. She is also relentless in her endeavors
to discover more and would put some government agencies to shame with
her interrogation techniques. All with a sweet, old-lady smile, of course.

Terence spotted me when I reached the foyer. He hurriedly ushered me
down the hallway. “This way, Mr. Brecken. The press is waiting for you at
the front.” His reference to the bottom feeders who are determined to
discover my business—only to spread it all over the Internet—was kind, to
say the least. “I’ve sent your car to the parking garage. You can use the
service elevator.”

Terence was the doorman, an extremely conscientious and observant
older man in his fifties. When I moved into the penthouse just over four
years ago, it had been Terence who told me the best places to eat, the places
to avoid, the best car services, and a lot of other things I had been ignorant
about as a man who did not know my way around town.

An unlikely friend by anyone’s standards, Terence has been the most
unpretentious person I have met since my move to Washington. It hardly
takes a great stretch of the imagination to see why. In this town, everyone
knows your name because they want something from you.

Terence and I
have shared more than just a passing greeting, as many of the other tenants
do. But then, I’m not a city boy, and raised in such a small town, I find
myself more comfortable in the company of down-to-earth folk.

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