Doggone Mess by R.J. Blain EPUB & PDF

Doggone Mess by R.J. Blain EPUB & PDF

Doggone Mess by R.J. Blain EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: R.J. Blain
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal & Urban Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Her promise of better days to come startled

AFTER A LONG WEEK OF WORK, I couldn’t really blame anyone for
grabbing fast food on the way home, but did everyone in Long Island have
to visit my specific branch of McDonald’s? From vanilla humans,
lycanthropes, practitioners, and centaurs to devils, demons, and even an
angel, everybody wanted a hit, and they wanted me to give it to them.
I questioned the angel. How did they eat without a head? Did they eat?
Why did an angel want nuggets? Why did everyone want nuggets today?
If I judged from the angel’s rather feminine voice, my thoughts amused
her. After handing over her meal, her promise of better days to come
startled me. Had it been a calmer shift, I might have spared more than a
moment to contemplate her words. But as a moment was all I had to spare, I
filed her words away as empty politeness and went back to work.

While all the lines were busy, mine had twice as many people, and I
doubted I’d survive to the end of my shift in an hour.
I considered asking some divine for help, but I opted against the idea.
With my luck, the Devil would join the mayhem and give me one hell of an
One close brush with the divine was enough for me.

The nuggets held the place as the day’s reigning champion of sales, with
the smart people ordering twenty, as it was approximately fifty cents more
expensive than ordering ten. Burgers took the second spot of the day, and
the underdog salad came in a close third, resulting in general mayhem in the
back, as we hadn’t prepared for a salad bender.

Oddly, the lycanthropes led the charge on the unexpected salad bender.
Had someone slipped pixie dust into our dressing when I hadn’t been
looking? I could use a hit of pixie dust, and I held no doubt my fellow
lycanthropes could use a dose as well. While filling an insane order
consisting of a hundred and sixty nuggets, ten fries, and enough soda to
float a boat, I checked one of the labels to make sure.
Nope, no pixie dust.

I fought my urge to sigh. For some damned reason, the CDC got cranky
when those infected with a contagious life-altering disease became snuggle
fiends. My driver’s license specifically barred me from ingesting any pixie
dust without a prescription, the cruelest of blows in my life outside of my
unwanted lycanthropy infection. Pixie dust turned me into a snuggle fiend
out on a mission to love everyone, making me a high infection risk.
The CDC would consider removing the flag after I mated, as they
believed I would become a snuggle fiend with my mate, something they
viewed to be acceptable. If I could resist the urge to cuddle with everyone,
pixie dust would be legal for me again.

I’d been tested once and only once, and I had tried my hardest to get
affection and hugs from anyone to cross my path. The concern I would be
lured off by a user and abuser influenced their decision to bar me from the

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