Doctor’s Secret Santa by Clara Pines EPUB & PDF

Doctor’s Secret Santa by Clara Pines EPUB & PDF

Doctor’s Secret Santa by Clara Pines EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Authors: Clara Pines
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Daisy Mullen clutched the wheel of her father’s old pick-up truck. The
seat was pushed back farther than usual, to allow space for the
roundness of her belly. She was sore and tired, but determined to
keep a positive attitude.

The drive to Trinity Falls had been longer than expected, which she was
sure had nothing at all to do with the twenty or so unscheduled bathroom
stops. Now it was dark, and a haze of snow flurries shimmered in
streetlamps and landed on the roofs of houses that looked like they
belonged in a different time. It definitely wasn’t like what she was used to.
Even the trees seemed too big. They met over the road, forming a sort
of tunnel of bare branches that were being slowly frosted with snow.
Daisy didn’t love driving under normal conditions, but driving on
unfamiliar roads in the snow definitely had her white-knuckled. And in her
condition, and after all that had happened, she couldn’t help anticipating
danger at every turn.

The Christmas music playing on the old car radio, usually her favorite,
did nothing to soothe her spirits.
The scent of the French fries she’d bought at a drive-through a couple of
miles back made her stomach rumble. She’d been desperate for something
to eat, but once the snow began to fall, she was too scared to divert her hand
or her attention long enough for a single bite.
From the cupholder, her phone buzzed to let her know that she had
reached her destination.

Daisy pulled over and looked around in disbelief.
Her dad had painted her a really good picture of how he remembered
Dr. Wilkinson’s home and office from his visit years ago. He had described
it as a charming house, standing in the center of a picturesque block,
looking much like the other houses, and not like an office at all.
But she was clearly at the hub of the tiny town, where two streets of
shops met at the corner. Her directions had taken her to Trinity Falls, but
not to the exact address.

Most of the shop lights were off, but the biggest one, with glassy walls
and a sign that said Trinity Falls Co-op Grocer, was still brightly lit.
She pulled the truck over carefully, thankful that there weren’t many
cars around. She’d never had to parallel park back home. At least, she
hadn’t had to do it since she passed her driver’s test a couple of years ago.
She resisted the urge to hop out like she normally would have, and
instead lowered herself carefully to the ground, rubbing her lower back a
little as she straightened up.

Her pregnancy was going very well, but Daisy had always been on the
slender side. Now that she was getting bigger, it was hard to get used to her
new shape. Lately, she found herself worrying that if she got any rounder,
she might just tip right over.
“Okay, girl, you’ve got this,” she whispered softly to herself as she
mounted the steps.

The sign said it was a grocery store, but there was definitely some kind
of restaurant in there, too.
Her stomach grumbled again.
“Hold on, peanut,” she advised her belly and its occupant. “I think we’ll
find something good in here for you once I get us directions.”
Surely, someone in this place would know where the doctor lived.
As if on cue, a sweet-looking young woman in a shop apron came over
to greet Daisy as she walked in.

“Hi there,” the woman said. “I’m Lucy. Can I help you find anything?”
“Actually, I was hoping you could do me a favor,” Daisy confided.
The other young woman leaned in immediately, an expression of happy
anticipation on her face.
Daisy had no idea why, but she had a gift with people. It was nothing
she could put her finger on. Folks just felt comfortable with her the moment
they met.
“Of course,” Lucy said. “What is it?”

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