Did You Hear About Kitty Karr? by Crystal Smith Paul EPUB & PDF

Did You Hear About Kitty Karr? by Crystal Smith Paul EPUB & PDF

Did You Hear About Kitty Karr? by Crystal Smith Paul EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Authors: Crystal Smith Paul
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  Black & African American Women’s Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


Saturday morning, October 28, 2017
Elise never went to sleep, and she wasn’t the only one. Her father was
tucked away in his musical bunker. Her mother was pacing, hidden deep in
the labyrinth, but every so often Elise could hear her feet kicking up gravel.
Situated steps from the back porch of the St. John estate, the labyrinth was
constructed of leafy green hedges and rose bushes that increased in height
and girth further into the maze.

It was cloudy, and the only light was from the spokes of the Ferris
wheel. It sat low on the fourth tier of their property, so only half of it was
visible from the house. It was a gift, given to her mother more than two
decades ago by a French director courting her for a film she ultimately
declined. Her mother thought it was an eyesore but kept it for the sake of
good conversation. Visitors likened it to a giant dream catcher, fitting
considering that what and who lay behind its presence mirrored the
collected, albeit programmed, wants of many. It was a symbol of celebrity, a
club into which everyone wanted entry—a partition between gods and
mortals. From the Perch, Elise did feel somewhat godly.

Not meant for sitting, the six-by-six wooden landing was situated
below the apex of Elise’s childhood home. Suspended amid the canopy of
the thick sycamore branches, it was hidden from those on the ground but
had an enchanted bird’s-eye view of the four-tiered grounds and the entirety
of Los Angeles below the hill upon which the St. John estate sat. That week
it was Elise’s refuge.

Sequestered for a week already, Elise found her stress now was
compounded by her sisters’ pending arrival. Physical proximity would force
the closeness that only a shared childhood could bring. Everything had
changed overnight, and she didn’t know how to pretend with them that it
hadn’t. Elise could mimic emotions she didn’t feel on command but had no
ability to express the ones that were true.

She stayed on the Perch until her 6:00 am alarm for her workout,
mandatory for her anxiety management. That morning she finished the
entire hour and still felt unsettled.
She was sitting outside on the front door’s single step, waiting, when
Andy Davis, her driver and bodyguard of the last five years, arrived with
her publicist and best friend by proximity since preschool, Rebecca Owens.
“Morning!” Rebecca handed her a Starbucks cup.

Elise frowned and placed it in the cup holder between them. “You
know I hate Starbucks.”
“Sorry, we didn’t have time to get you the lavender latte you would
have preferred.”

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