Devil’s Plaything by J.L. Leslie EPUB & PDF

Devil’s Plaything by J.L. Leslie EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: J.L. Leslie
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I wipe the coke from my nose, leaning back on the sofa
while the addictive drug does its thing. I wait for the
euphoria but it doesn’t come. Christ, this used to help me.
Used to keep the ever simmering rage inside me at bay. But
my demons are no longer satisfied.

Grabbing the pack of cigarettes from the table, I stick one
in my mouth and light it before standing. I’m going stir
crazy in the clubhouse. Ever since I was shot, I’ve been
laying low. Nothing like taking a bullet in the stomach to
fuck up your social life. Of course, Syra left me long before
that shit went down. Can’t say that I blame her. I’m not
exactly boyfriend material.

“Hey, man,
” Snake says. “You look like hell.”
“Thanks. You always know how to cheer me up.”
Snake is our president and I respect the fuck out of him.
He’s put up with a lot of shit from me. I have issues. Okay,
that’s a damn understatement, but the club has always been
my outlet. I put that in jeopardy when I went after one of the
Rebel Souls’ old ladies. The rival club has been a thorn in my
side for quite some time.

“We haven’t talked much about what happened.”
I shrug. “I’m not much of a talker.”
“Cut the bullshit, man. The club has had it with you.
You’re walking on thin ice and if I hadn’t pulled rank, you’d
be out. You crossed a line going after Torch’s old lady. Trying
to help that kid is what saved your ass.”

I’ve questioned myself time and again why I did that. Why
did I bother getting involved? She isn’t my fucking kid. In
fact, she’s Torch and Lizzie’s daughter and I hate both of
them. They could be lying in a ditch somewhere bleeding out
and I wouldn’t care. So, why the hell do I care if someone
took their kid?

But I couldn’t let them do it. A five-year-old kid has no
business paying for the sins of their parents. Trying to put a
stop to that little girl being taken is why I took a bullet to the
stomach. Now, I suppose it’s why I’m still a member of
Devil’s Inferno, even if they don’t want me.
“If the club wants me gone, I’ll fucking go,
” I mutter,

pissed off. These men are supposed to be my brothers.
Supposed to accept my fuck-ups and still have my back.
“You’re not out unless I say you’re out, but you have to
find a damn way to keep your ass out of trouble. If you bring
a mess to our fucking doorstep again, you’re gone.”

I nod, knowing I deserve it even if I don’t like it. The club
is the only family I have and they don’t even want me
around. I take another drag of my cigarette and head out.

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