Deke by Cami Carlisle EPUB & PDF

Deke (Sabre Security Daddies #4) by Cami Carlisle EPUB & PDF

Deke (Sabre Security Daddies #4) by Cami Carlisle EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Cami Carlisle
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.5 MB
  • Price: Free

ension radiated from Deke Winters like heat from a stoked furnace
as he entered the Ridge County Hospital ER. Everyone scattered
around the waiting room froze, faces filled with everything from
concern to fear. He shouldn’t even be here. It was his fault Georgia
Donnelley had been kidnapped; he was her bodyguard. He should have
been in the kitchen with her, not sitting at the fucking Books—N—Brews
counter, sucking back a coffee and reading The Daily Nugget.

Stalking up to the front desk, he demanded Georgia’s hospital room
number. He thought he would have to ask again when the older lady just
stood there, gawking at him like he had three heads. He needed to cool his
jets, but he felt so damn responsible for that dickwad Jemison getting to his
brother Hutch’s Little girl he couldn’t seem to ratchet it back.

He’d been the one to drive them both to the hospital the day before.
Even knowing it was only a flesh wound, his heart raced so hard it was a
wonder he didn’t have bruises.

Marshaling every ounce of patience he had, he said, “Ma’am, the room
for Georgia Donnelley?” Yes, it came out as a growl, but it was the nicest
growl he could muster. It must have done the trick because she gave herself
a shake and punched something into her computer before giving him the
number to Georgia’s room.

Deke knocked on the door to her room. He had manners, for crying out
loud. Without waiting for an answer, he entered the room. He needed to see
for himself that she was all right.

Since Hutch was in the process of lecturing her on getting hurt, Deke
figured she was probably going to make it. He made a mental note to tell
Hutch to make sure he kept medicated ointment on that wound. It wasn’t
life threatening, but even a small scratch could be dangerous if you didn’t
take care of it.

Of course, Georgia immediately used him to change the conversation.
“What ’cha got with you?”
She grinned at the copy of The Daily Nugget he was using to keep his
hands busy. That way, he couldn’t punch himself in the face for not doing
his fucking job and allowing her to get hurt in the first place.

“Nothing much. Just the latest edition of The Daily Nugget. Somebody
needs to talk to that Little girl about this rag. She spends way too much time
in other people’s business.”

He’d been reading a copy of The Daily Nugget yesterday, too. Or trying
to. He’d just started scanning the front page and was already shaking his
head. Suzi Daily, the paper’s owner and main reporter, knew how to sell
papers, that was for sure. The giant headline of “Breaking News” stretched
all the way across the front page.

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