Death Comes to Marlow By Robert Thorogood EPUB & PDF

Death Comes to Marlow By Robert Thorogood EPUB & PDF

Death Comes to Marlow By Robert Thorogood EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Authors: Robert Thorogood
  • Publish Date: 6 June 2023
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Hobbyist Detective Mysteries
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Pages: 442 Pages
  • Price: Free

After the excitement of the previous summer, Mrs Judith Potts spent the winter returning to the more solitary rhythms of life. She woke late, watched a bit of
telly, played clock patience, went for walks when the mood took her – which wasn’t in truth all that often – and made sure she set aside time each day to
compile her cryptic crosswords for the newspapers.

When the Christmas lights went up in the High Street, she found herself, as she did every year, quietly absenting herself from the festivities. It wasn’t that she
was opposed to Christmas. Far from it. It was more that she felt it belonged to other people, mostly parents with young children and families hell-bent on
enforced jollity.

But if Christmas was a bit of a chore, and the time between Christmas and New Year’s Day a baffling week of non-existence, Judith knew January
belonged to her. It was almost her favourite month. No one asked her to do anything in January. Or go anywhere. She could fully recharge her batteries and
take stock.

And go wild swimming, of course.
Judith didn’t let the fact that it was winter deter her from her near-daily dips in the River Thames. At this time of year, her swims were of necessity brief, but
she never missed the chance to commune with nature, and she loved the zingy feeling her skin had for the rest of the day. She especially loved to swim when she
had a problem to work through, which was why she was in the Thames on this particular January morning.

She was trying to solve a mystery.
It had started that morning, when she’d picked up that week’s copy of the Marlow Free Press. Seeing as it was the beginning of the year, the paper was
even more bereft of news than usual – the lead story concerned the shock closure of a local postbox – but it was the cryptic crossword that Judith looked
forward to the most. It never took her long to solve, but there was a clarity to the clueing she found hugely satisfying. That morning’s effort had been no
different. However, once she’d finished and looked at the completed grid, she’d had an instinct that something was ‘off’ about her answers.

There was
something her subconscious was trying to tell her, but she couldn’t quite work out what it was. Judith hated loose ends. All puzzles had to be solved as far as
she was concerned, which was why she’d decided to have a good think about it on her morning swim.
And it was because she was thinking about the crossword rather than her surroundings that she mistakenly got into a fight with a swan.

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