Dearly & Threatening Thane by L.A. Kaye EPUB & PDF

Dearly & Threatening Thane (DEARLY AND THE DEPARTED #5) by L.A. Kaye EPUB & PDF

Dearly & Threatening Thane (DEARLY AND THE DEPARTED #5) by L.A. Kaye EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: L.A. Kaye
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.7 MB
  • Price: Free

Waiting wasn’t something my new husband did happily or readily. As I
glanced around the gate area, I was sure more people were waiting in line to
board the plane than the craft could hold. Glancing at Dashiell, his
expression showed he believed the same.

We were ready to board our flight from Sacramento to Cancun for ten
days of warm tropical breezes and dirty sex as we celebrated our New
Year’s Eve marriage. It was our delayed honeymoon, and I was giddy with
excitement. I just hoped we could stay for the whole time Dash had booked
the resort. The way things were going in our supernatural lives, I wasn’t
betting on it.

“This will be fun, Dearly. We can kick back and relax. Talk about some
things that might be bothering you. Maybe try to figure out where things
stand in the fight for good and evil?” My husband nuzzled my neck and
placed a sweet kiss over my carotid artery as the gate agent announced it
was time for Ambassador Club members and group one to board.
I chuckled. If we got to do any of what he’d mentioned, I’d be shocked.
“Pardon me. Excuse me. I’m in group one. Can I get through, please?” I
turned to see a little old woman with a yellow sun visor and a straw bag
filled with yarn.

She stepped behind Dash and me, a gentle smile on her face. “Can you
believe they took my knitting needles? Do you think there’s a place I can
buy more in Mexico?”
Dash, who’d been staring at me until he heard the voice, rolled his eyes
and turned to face the woman behind us. “What the hell? This is a
honeymoon for two, Jo.”
The ticket agent gave him a lust-filled look as Dash held his phone over
the scanner for his boarding pass. Sorry, bud. He’s mine in ways you could
never imagine.

I scanned my boarding pass and stepped over to Dash as we waited, his
smug smile reminding me of our new mental connection I was still learning
to maneuver. Dash could hear my thoughts, and I could hear his. We were
trying to figure out a way to block each other because everyone deserved to
be alone with their thoughts from time to time, but we hadn’t figured it out

Jo touched the young gate agent’s arm. “Oh, aren’t you a handsome
one? I’m sorry, dear, but it seems I’ve lost my boarding pass. Can you look
it up for me?”

I glanced at Dash, who rolled his eyes again. “She can’t do that, can
she? She’ll end up taking someone’s seat, and this flight is sold out. Just
talk to her and see what she wants so someone doesn’t miss their vacation.”
I was pleading with Dash, when a man with an expensive backpack and
carry-on roller bag stepped out of line, clutched his chest, and fell to the

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