Dead Fun (COLD CASE PSYCHIC #27) by Pandora Pine EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Pandora Pine
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 4.5 MB
- Price: Free
June, present day…
Ronan sat on the edge of Fitzgibbon’s pool with his legs submerged in the
cool water. The summer sun was hot on his face. Everly, Aurora, Ezra, and
Wolf were playing a game of Marco Polo with Tennyson, who was losing,
while Cope floated along with Lizbet, who was belted into her inner tube
and was wearing a big floppy hat to keep the sun off her face. Every so
often, she shrieked with delight, making Cope laugh. Jude and Fitzgibbon
sat at the patio table, talking over what to grill for dinner. Jace was on his
way home from the shelter and would pick up the grocery order.
“I hate to say it, but we’ve had too much steak lately.” Jude sounded lost.
“I hear that,” Fitz answered. “What about pork chops?”
“I don’t like chops!” Aurora called from the pool.
“Gotcha!” Ten shouted in triumph, tapping Aurora and opening his eyes.
“You’re it!”
“I hate this stupid game.” Aurora crossed her arms over her chest and
“We talked about being a good loser, didn’t we?” Fitz’s eyes crinkled with
Aurora sighed loudly. “Congrats, Uncle Ten. Good game.” A sneer curled
the little girl’s lips as her teeth ground together.
“If she keeps that up, all of her baby teeth are gonna turn to dust and fall
out,” Jude whispered.
“Don’t I know it.” Fitz shook his head. “All I ever wanted was to treat my
little girl like a princess, but we’ve hit a few potholes along the way.
Aurora’s a bad loser, she’s impatient, and she’s a picky eater.”
“Not all the time,” Ronan said. “What would you like for dinner, Aurora?”
“Lobster and shrimp!” everyone chorused before Aurora had time to
Aurora’s nose wrinkled. “Actually, you’re wrong. I want barbeque chicken
legs with Bone Suckin’ Sauce.”
“Bone sucking sauce?” Ronan asked on a snort.
“It’s a barbecue sauce from the south. Tennessee or Georgia, I think. Jace
brought it home from a conference, and Aurora loves it slathered on
“Chicken works for me,” Ronan said. “What about the rest of you
“I like chicken, but I don’t want to suck bones,” Everly said.
“I do!” Wolf volunteered.
“Me too.” Jude waggled his eyebrows.
“I’ll ask Jace to get chicken and a couple different types of sauces.” Fitz
pulled out his phone and made the call.
“Speaking of decisions,” Ronan said when Jude and Fitz joined him on the
edge of the pool, dipping their feet into the water. “We need to decide what
we want to do when River, Barb, and Brooke get here next week.”
“Sleepover!” Everly and Aurora chorused. “I can’t wait to see my cousin.
Her favorite movie is Cinderella, so we’ll watch the movie and have
“Lots of snacks,” Wolf agreed.
Ronan raised an eyebrow. “What kind of snacks?”
“Popcorn! Juice pouches! Sour worms!” Aurora’s enthusiasm lit up her
entire face.
“Oh, my!” Ronan added. He loved seeing how excited the kids were to see
Brooke and her family again. Since they’d met in February, Everly
FaceTimed with her cousin at least once a week.
“Don’t forget ice cream sammies!” Aurora chimed in. “I like the ones with
Napoleon ice cream.”
“Napoleon made ice cream?” Ronan asked softly so Aurora wouldn’t
overhear him.
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