Daydreamer by Susie Tate EPUB & PDF

Daydreamer by Susie Tate EPUB & PDF

Daydreamer by Susie Tate EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Susie Tate
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.2 MB
  • Price: Free

General crapness
“Lucy, are you listening to me?” Felix snapped, and I flinched in the
chair. The honest answer to that was no. I had instead been focusing on the
way his beautiful, thick, dark hair brushed the collar of his shirt.
I started to nod, but when my focus moved to his stern expression, I
shook my head instead. Felix sighed, throwing his hands up in the air in that
expressive Italian way the Moretti family seemed to have retained, even
though they’d been in the UK for two generations now.

“This is exactly what I’m talking about. This constant daydreaming is
completely unacceptable. Will’s complained about you again.”
Bloody Will. That slimy bastard could take a running jump. I bit my lip,
and my gaze dropped down to my lap. Looking at Felix for too long was
like staring at the sun – he was just that blindingly handsome.

tanned skin, brown eyes so dark they were almost black, strong jawline
with a close-cropped, perfectly styled stubble, broad shoulders, tall enough
to dwarf my hobbit-like stature, with the lines of his designer suit exactly
tailored to his muscular frame. He was the most attractive human I had ever
met in real life. Even as a child, he’d had this Italian loose-limbed grace
which we pasty English folk of a more awkward persuasion could only
marvel at. I cleared my throat so that actual words could make it past the
lump that had formed.

“I don’t mean to daydream,” I said in a small voice. “It’s just that my
mind tends to wander, and I sort of… lose time.”
As an abject coward, I was loath to tell him the truth – that this job was
just so boring. I was well aware that as executive assistants went, I was the
worst this company had probably ever seen, but meetings and deadlines and
emails and prescribed tasks were honestly not my bag. It didn’t help that my
direct boss, Will – or Mr Brent as he preferred me to address him – was an
unrelenting prick.

Everything about this office felt like a cage. Even the décor screamed
prison cell. Yes, okay so Felix and the big wigs had floor-to-ceiling views of
London, but the rest of the office floor, beyond their heavy oak doors, had
barely any natural light. The plant I brought in for my desk had withered in
a matter of days.

Everything was grey and white. Even my colourful pens
and notebook were frowned upon so much that I had to hide them in my
bag most days. But worse than the aesthetics of this place was the
atmosphere. The partners were feared and revered like gods. Emphasis was
put on a certain kind of cut-throat dynamism that was completely foreign to

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