Dark Witch Resurrection (THE CHILDREN OF THE GODS #85) by I. T. Lucas EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: I. T. Lucas
- Language: English
- Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
Kian surveyed the unusual group of people he’d assembled in his office
and wondered if he was overdoing it. After all, the royal twins were
little more than emaciated corpses and were in no state to offer
resistance or cause any trouble.
Still, after all the warnings about how powerful and dangerous the twins
were, Kian wasn’t taking any chances. If the Eternal King feared them, he
must have a good reason for it.
Or maybe not.
The king might have been paranoid, which was very likely given the
lengths he was willing to go to, to keep his throne. It could also be that the
paranoia was genetic, and if so, Kian might have inherited the trait from his
The thought was so amusing in a macabre way that a soft chuckle escaped
Kian’s throat.
“What’s so funny?” Bridget asked.
“The role genes play in shaping who we are.” He waved a dismissive hand.
“Don’t mind me. It’s not important.”
The doctor leaned back in her chair. “We have nothing better to do while we
wait for William to arrive and Anandur to return with the coffees and
pastries, so you might as well tell me.”
Kian let out a sigh. “I thought I might have inherited my paranoia from the
Eternal King. I wouldn’t have minded inheriting his brilliance, his charm,
and his leadership skills, but the flip side of that is megalomania and
disregard for the sanctity of life, and I’m grateful that I didn’t inherit those
Bridget’s eyes softened. “You are an excellent leader, Kian. We all tease you
about your paranoia, but the truth is that we are glad you are so diligent
about protecting us.”
He dipped his head. “Thank you.”
She smiled. “That being said, I don’t think we all need to wear compulsionfiltering earpieces on day one. The twins will not wake up from stasis and
immediately try to compel everyone to obey them.”
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