Dark Witch: Entangled Fates THE CHILDREN OF THE GODS PARANORMAL ROMANCE #83) by I. T. Lucas EPUB & PDF

Dark Witch: Entangled Fates THE CHILDREN OF THE GODS PARANORMAL ROMANCE #83) by I. T. Lucas EPUB & PDF

Dark Witch: Entangled Fates THE CHILDREN OF THE GODS PARANORMAL ROMANCE #83) by I. T. Lucas EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: I. T. Lucas
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.2 MB
  • Price: Free

Jasmine pushed the pile of Fritos away from the edge of the table. “It’s a
shame that you ladies cannot stay longer and win back some of your
losses.” She collected her playing cards, reshuffled them a few times,
and then returned them to their cardboard box.

As Lina translated what Jasmine had said into Russian, her two other poker
buddies regarded her with mock animosity. Grabbing a handful of the
winnings, Jasmine stuffed the chips into her mouth while mock-glaring
back at the two and crunching loudly.

Lina was the only one of the three who was semi-fluent in English, but
Jasmine had a feeling that the other two understood more than they were
letting on.
Panya snorted and released a string of words in Russian that made the other
two laugh.

“What did she say?” Jasmine asked Lina.
The girl’s cheeks reddened, which happened often because her skin was so
pale that it appeared almost translucent. “Panya said that if you keep eating
your winnings, you are going to get thunder thighs, and it will serve you
right for cheating.”

Jasmine frowned. “I’m not cheating. I’m just good.”
The two older women snorted derisively, and then Panya released another
rapid-fire string of Russian words.
Lina translated, “She says that mind reading is cheating even if you are not
doing it on purpose.”

Panya must have gotten the idea that Jasmine could read minds from
Amanda’s visit to the lounge the other day.
Rumors about Jaz’s uncanny streak of poker winnings had reached the
neuroscientist who specialized in paranormal abilities. She had gotten
curious and had come down to the staff lounge to test Jaz for telepathy and

The results had been unimpressive, and when Amanda had insisted on
bringing others to test her further, the results remained underwhelming.
So, Jasmine might have fudged them just a little to avoid suspicion, but not
by much. She really wasn’t a telepath or a seer.
She was something else. She was a conduit for the divine spirit of the

It sounded good, but was it true?
Probably not.

Jasmine was just exceptionally good at reading people without having to
peek into their minds.
“I’m not a mind reader. I’m a body language reader, and as much as the three
of you try not to project what you are thinking, you still do.”
After Lina translated into Russian, Panya retorted again, but this time her
tone sounded more good-natured than derisive.

Lina translated. “She doesn’t mind losing because it doesn’t cost her
anything. Even the potato chips are free. She says that playing with you
teaches her how to guard her expressions and body language so that when
she gets back home, she will win real money playing with her friends.”

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