Dark As Coal (AS IF… #2) by Tiffany Casper EPUB & PDF

Dark As Coal (AS IF… #2) by Tiffany Casper EPUB & PDF

Dark As Coal (AS IF… #2) by Tiffany Casper EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Tiffany Casper
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Walking down the steps of the clubhouse, I was silent on my feet.
Everyone else sounded like a herd of elephants was going down them,
but not me.

After everything I’ve been through, you learn to be silent on your feet.
But alas, I didn’t want to end up with my head in a bottle for the rest of
the day, so I tossed those thoughts out of my head.

I’ve been sober for three years.
And I don’t plan on going down that dark path.
Not when I knew that if she ever saw that part of me, the light in her
eyes that I strived to protect… would diminish.

Once I reached the bottom stair, my boot landing on the concrete floor, I
tried like hell not to let the vision before me take my mind to a place it
didn’t need to go to.
To the woman that I needed to set free.
However, every time I thought about it… I realized I had no control.
Fucking none.

And it made it even worse anytime I saw the love between Pipe and
Just like right freaking now.
Which instantly had my mind going back to that day… three years ago.

Around the old oak table that held our club insignia, a black dragon,
with its wings spread out, its arrow-tipped tail ready to stab anyone that
dared him harm, we were all deciding the best way to take out an MC that
seemed to grow too big for their britches.
In other words, they acted like they had bigger balls than they actually

Normally, church was mandatory, however, even though it was, special
circumstances made it possible for you to miss it without being fined a

And the member that was missing was one of our oldest ones.
Piney was in the hospital on dialysis and was desperately needing a

If I had a heart left in my chest, that was even remotely beating, I would
feel something for the old man.
But… well… I just didn’t have that organ anymore.

Or so I thought… and that thought was erased from my brain an hour
later after Asher’s phone rang.
We weren’t like other clubs; we didn’t put our cells in a box outside of

We had tried that. Once.
And only once.
Some boy thought it would be okay to grab Stella’s bottom when she
was in the fifth grade. Stella… well… Stella didn’t put up with that shit.
She had throat-punched the boy.

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