Dante (A BAD BOY ANTHOLOGY STORY #6) by Elle M Thomas EPUB & PDF

Dante (A BAD BOY ANTHOLOGY STORY #6) by Elle M Thomas EPUB & PDF

Dante (A BAD BOY ANTHOLOGY STORY #6) by Elle M Thomas EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Elle M Thomas
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I watched on with genuine amusement as my two brothers were taken to
task by their wives, Marco smirked as Jay told him off about something
he’d forgotten to do, whereas my oldest brother, Carlo, was looking irked
by Gina’s clear annoyance.

As I considered adding fuel to the fire with an asshole comment,
something caught my eye, well, not something, someone. Bruni. “Son of a
bitch!” I hissed, causing both of my brothers to turn to me and then follow
my gaze.

“You are kidding me,” Carlo said, already preparing to get to his feet.
“Brother, let me, please?”
Carlo wasn’t just my brother, he was the head of our family and as such
everything went through him, particularly family business, and although the
venom running through my blood for the man being shown to his seat a few
rows away to our side in the theatre we occupied was very personal, his
death, if my brother allowed it, would inevitably become professional.

Carlo was already on his phone and Gina’s irk was morphing into
complete fury as he began to bark orders at her.
She pursed her lips until she was pouting. “I have been waiting months
to see this show with this cast.”
“If I need to, I will get a showing only for you, but right now, you need
to shut up and go home.”

“I am not one of your men,” she snapped as her eyes glowed bright.
When she had first come into our fold, she would have shouted those
words from the roof top, but now, she had the good sense and respect for
her husband’s position to convey her feelings more discreetly.
“If you were then we would not be having a debate because you would
do as you were told or I would shoot you.”

Jay was already on her feet, landing a kiss to Marco’s cheek and
preparing to leave via the exit to the rear that she and Gina needed to leave
by. She stopped next to her friend and pulled her to her feet. “You have a
baby to get home to and I need sleep.”

Gina looked between her friend and Carlo. “We will be discussing your
threat to shoot me when you get home.”
“I look forward to it, Dolcezza,” he replied, but she was already turning
to leave. “Gigi,” he called after her. “I love you and kiss the bambino
goodnight from Papa.”

And like that her face broke out into a grin. “Don’t be late.”
I looked across at my brothers, both of whom had their eyes fixed on
their wives until they saw them safely with our security team.
“How do you want to do this?” Carlo gave me his undivided attention.
“Slowly and painfully.”

Marco nodded, an expression of total understanding that the man who
was currently sitting with a woman on each side and laughing as if he didn’t
have a care in the world, not only needed to die, but needed to do so at my
hands. There had been an attempted takeover of our family empire over a
year before, and during the fallout from it, my lifelong best friend, Gino
Bonetti had been attacked by Bruni.

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