Daemon Master by Elric Shaw EPUB & PDF

Daemon Master by Elric Shaw EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Elric Shaw
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 8 MB
  • Price: Free

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ADRIAN CREPT UP THE Serene Hall’s worn stone steps, cursing his
rotten luck. Of course, he’d arrived for his monthly supply run while
Watcher Seymour stood outside chatting. Tall and imperious in his spiked
golden armor, the guard captain was about the last person Adrian ever
wanted to see.

Maybe he won’t notice I’m here?
“You there, halt!”
Adrian’s stomach plummeted at the familiar gruff voice and the
childhood memories it never failed to conjure. He and Seymour had been
best friends once, darting about the village and staging mock daemon
battles. Back then, they’d dreamed of following in Adrian’s parents’
footsteps and joining the Watcher Division together. But those days had
long since passed.

Turning, Adrian plastered on what he hoped was a friendly yet
submissive smile. “Greetings, Watcher Seymour. What can I do for you?”
With his chiseled jaw, neatly trimmed black hair, and brilliant green eyes,
Seymour’s answering grin might’ve been charming had it not dripped cold
disdain. “I’ve got a task perfect for your particular level of…talent.”
The two other watchers with him snickered.

Adrian struggled to keep his voice neutral. “Oh?”
“Old Man Crastley passed away last night, but no one’s sure if he had any
active bonds. We figured, why waste our time searching for freed daemons
when we have an esteemed daemon catcher to do it for us. If, that is, you
think you can handle the responsibility?”
“A routine daemon check?” Adrian replied as his jaw tensed. “Not a

Seymour widened his emerald eyes in feigned concern. “Are you sure? I
wouldn’t want to overtax your aether. No doubt the other children would be
happy to help if you asked.”
His companions’ snickers upgraded to outright laughter.
Adrian’s face reddened. “That won’t be necessary.” He turned toward the
doorway. “Now, if you’ll excuse me…”

Seymour gave a mocking bow. “Of course, catcher. Don’t let me keep
you from your duty. I only wish your parents were still around to witness
your grand accomplishments.”

Seymour had known his parents. Spirits below, he’d spent more time at
Adrian’s house as a kid than he had his own. Hearing him joke about them
now, even indirectly, cracked Adrian’s thin veneer of calm.
“With idiots like you in the Watcher Division, someone has to keep us
safe,” he muttered.

The laughter behind him cut off.
Swallowing hard, he hurried to the Serene Hall’s arched entrance. They
wouldn’t beat him to a pulp in front of dozens of witnesses…would they?
Before he could do more than grasp the door’s handle, a hand tightened
on his upper arm and wrenched him around. Seymour’s earlier mirth had
vanished, replaced by a deep scowl.

“What did you say to me?”
Adrian glanced longingly at the doors set into the building’s polished
stone wall. Swallowing, he returned his attention to the angry watcher.
“Nothing. Just talking to myself.”

Aether enveloped Seymour in an azure haze, its channeled power
crackling in the air. For a moment, Adrian feared the watcher might actually
break his arm or sic a daemon on him. Seymour certainly had the strength
for it, though he’d have a hard time justifying the use of force against
someone as weak as Adrian.

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