Daddy’s Cabin Boy by Morticia Knight EPUB & PDF

Daddy’s Cabin Boy by Morticia Knight EPUB & PDF

Daddy’s Cabin Boy by Morticia Knight EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Morticia Knight
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.6 MB
  • Price: Free

Ricky glanced around the small cabin he’d been assigned to as a crew
member of Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’. Working for the BDSM-themed event
company aboard a luxury ocean liner was his ticket out of the gruesome
existence that had become his life. At least he hoped it was.
Ricky curled his fingers tighter around the worn handles of the large
bag carrying all his worldly possessions. He sucked in a deep breath,
licking his lips as he steeled himself to face the uncertainties ahead.
Thankfully, his mystery roommate hadn’t arrived onboard the ship yet.

At least, that’s what he assumed since there was no evidence of
anyone’s personal belongings. Considering he’d been living in a shitty
downtown Miami motel for the past couple of months, the tiny room
seemed like paradise. It was clean and didn’t smell like mold, stale
cigarettes, and used beer.

He dropped his duffel onto one of the single beds, then landed on the
mattress next to the bag. Ricky idly ran his palm over the thin white cotton
comforter. He had to admit that even the linens for the lowly crew were
luxurious—especially when compared to his recent circumstances.
Since he was on a lower deck, there wasn’t a porthole to see outside.
But the space still boasted a lot to offer in terms of comfort. Each bed had a
small lamp affixed to the wall above the headboard, with elegant, etched
crystal shades directing the light upward, casting a soft glow throughout the

In addition, a bedside table and drawers made of beautiful lightcolored wood were built into the wall between the two double-sized beds.
He didn’t know much about furniture, but everything seemed to be made of
solid materials. The thick, soft carpet’s pattern was reminiscent of an
underwater scene, with swirls of pale blue and turquoise green that added to
the room’s soothing vibe.

If only he could live in a place this nice after the week was over. His
shoulders slumped. No point in getting worked up over things that hadn’t
happened yet. He needed to stay positive. Focus on the now. He winced,
rubbing his forehead. Try not to fuck up the entire week..

Ricky dug into his bag to retrieve his charger so he could plug in his
phone. He’d never been on a cruise ship before, never even been that far out
in the ocean, so had no idea what sort of cell reception he might have once
they were at sea. Letting his mom know he’d made it onboard was the first
thing on his to-do checklist. They didn’t have a very close relationship, but
still managed to stay in touch.

He chewed on his lip, wondering what he should do with himself next.
The crew orientation wasn’t for another couple of hours, but he’d boarded
the ship early. Not only did he not have anywhere else to go or anything to
do—he had no idea what the hell he was doing at all. How he was going to
pass himself off as an experienced service sub for the next seven days was
beyond him. Nosing around the ship and getting into the proper headspace
was mandatory.

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